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Fred Adler

Phone: 801-581-6848

Research: I am a mathematical biologist who works on modeling complex systems ranging from urban, behavioral, evolutionary and community ecology to cell biology, immunology, epidemiology of viruses and...

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Markus Babst

Markus Babst

Phone: 801-587-7603

Research: Dr. Markus Babst's research focuses on basic questions in cell biology that are broadly associated with membrane-based systems. Over the years, the main topic of the Babst lab has moved from the ESCRT...

U of U Faculty

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Tabitha Benney

Phone: 801-585-7475

Research: My interdisciplinary research focuses on mapping interactions within complex coupled systems to develop research-based policy applications to address a range of governance issues with an emphasis on...

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William Brazelton

William Brazelton

Phone: 801-587-9455

Research: I study natural microbial communities in a variety of environments, from hydrothermal vents in the deep sea to the Bonneville Salt Flats. I specialize in metagenomic approaches to discover new species...

U of U Faculty

Colin Dale

Colin Dale

Phone: 801-585-0558

Research: Research in the Dale lab explores the nature of these symbiotic interactions using an integrative approach that employs genomic, transcriptomic, molecular genetic and molecular evolutionary analysis...

U of U Faculty

M Denise Dearing

M Denise Dearing

Phone: 801-585-1298

Research: Ecology and evolution of dietary specialization; Nutritional ecology of herbivorous vertebrates; Mammalian and avian detoxification of plant secondary metabolites; Application of stable isotopes in...

U of U Faculty

Pascal Deboeck

Pascal R Deboeck

Research: I am an associate professor at the University of Utah. Trained as a quantitative psychologist, I work to develop, improve, study and apply statistics to social science and medical data. My interests...

Department of Psychology Profile

Michael L Free

Michael L Free

Research: My primary research areas include hydrometallurgy, corrosion, and electrometallurgy that are applied in a variety of areas that include rare earthe element and critical materials extraction...

U of U Faculty

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James Gagnon

Phone: 801-581-5716

Research: The Gagnon lab applies modern genetic, genomic and imaging approaches to address classic questions in developmental and stem cell biology. We are particularly focused on the cell lineage tree - the...

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Julie Hollien

Julie Hollien

Phone: 801-587-7783

Research: Our goal is to understand how cells maintain homeostasis and respond to stress in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). As the entry point for the secretory pathway, the ER is fold and processes an enormous...

U of U Faculty


Avery Holton

Phone: 801-581-6889

Research: Research Areas: journalism, social media, identity, genetics, genetic testing

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Kelly Hughes

Phone: 801-587-3367

Research: We develop and utilize genetic approaches to complex biological processes in bacteria. Our model system is Salmonella Typhimurium, for which the most sophisticated genetic methods have been developed...

Faculty Page

Talia Louise Karasov

Talia Louise Karasov

Phone: 801-585-0484

Research: I study how bacterial pathogens evolve and spread in plant host populations, and how hosts in turn evolve resistance. My current work aims to elucidate the genetic and population-level mechanisms that...

U of U Faculty

Shelley D Minteer

Shelley D Minteer

Phone: 801-587-8325

Research: Dr. Minteer's research interests are focused on electrocatalysis and bioanalytical electrochemistry. She has expertise in biosensors , biofuel cells, electrosynthesis, and bioelectronics.

U of U Faculty Link

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Nitin Phadnis

Phone: 801-587-3916

Research: The Molecular Basis of Speciation - Our lab specializes in identifying hybrid sterility and inviability genes in a variety of Drosophila species. Intra-Genomic Conflict - We are currently studying the...

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Aaron W Puri

Aaron W Puri

Phone: 801-213-1408

Research: Research in the Puri Lab is focused on how bacteria use natural products to interact with each other and their environment. Current research efforts include therapeutic discovery from underexplored...

U of U Faculty

Frank Sachse

Frank Bernd Sachse

Phone: 801-583-1035

Research: My research interests are: 1. Cellular and tissue remodeling in the aging and diseased heart, and after cardiac therapy, 2. Clinical translation of fiber-optics confocal microscopy, 3. Localization...

U of U Faculty

Saveez Saffarian

Saveez Saffarian

Research: My lab focuses on enveloped RNA viruses including HIV, SARS-CoV-2 and VSV, mainly studying their assembly and replication. We also develop and use novel optical microscopy methods to visualize...

U of U Faculty

Prashant K Sarswat

Prashant K Sarswat

Phone: 801-581-7357

Research: Materials Electrochemistry, Separation Technology, Additive Manufacturing, Recycling, Sensing Technology, REE and Critical Metals Separation Technology

U of U Faculty