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Jeannette Signala

Jeanette Ducut-Sigala

Academic Office Information


About Me

Jeanette Ducut-Sigala, Ph.D., is a multifaceted biomedical research scientist & mentor, leading catalytic initiatives advancing Research Excellence Opportunities/Academic Culture & Communities, enhancing Graduate Student Recruitment and Retention reflective of our broad talent pool, supporting Professional Development Initiatives & Grant Mechanisms through the Biomedical Research Education Office (BREO), SVPHS Research Unit. She earned her B.S. in Molecular Biology from California State University - Northridge, PhD in Biological Sciences from the University of California - San Diego, and was a Howard Hughes Research Post-Doctoral Fellow in Developmental Biology at Stanford University. 

Currently, she co-leads the NIH T32 Training Program, Initiative for Maximizing Student Development at the U of U (IMSD@U2), is co-Advisor for the vibrant SACNAS Chapter at the University of Utah, and consultant to numerous academic strategic groups & research education programs in the Health Sciences at the U of U.  It is Jeanette’s passion to foster and support the potential and success of the next generation of innovative scientists and scientific leaders from all backgrounds.