Researchers led by U biomedical engineer Jan Kubanek developed a way to deliver therapeutic levels of drugs to the brain in ways that maximize their benefit and minimize risks.
In 2024, the University of Utah School of Dentistry continued magnifying its mission to provide exceptional oral care to Utah's underserved communities and superior education for future dentists.
Whether securing first-of-its-kind grants or expanding care for underserved populations, the University of Utah College of Nursing made incredible strides in 2024.
Throughout 2024, faculty and staff at the Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library ensured the continuous availability of library services despite disruptions from construction for the earthquake retrofit.
As one of the biggest colleges at the University of Utah, College of Health faculty, staff, and students continually celebrate new accomplishments, including these highlights from 2024.
From new educational programs to new leadership and new traditions, the University of Utah College of Pharmacy experienced a year defined by innovation and change.
The drug lenacapavir, developed by Gilead Sciences, provides protection for half a year instead of one day and has performed extremely well in clinical trials.
Explore various ARPA-H funding opportunities that include research in imaging data exchange, advancing clinical trial readiness, and the emerging health innovators initiative.
Funding opportunities are available across a variety of fields and specialties, ranging from digital health technology, to tobacco, alcohol, and cannabis policy, to environmental health and more.
Take a look at several foundation funding opportunities provided by the advancement team. These opportunities come from foundations such as the AFAR, Glenn Foundation and the Whitehall Foundation.