University of Utah Health has joined a national research consortium of universities, hospitals and clinics that has received $50 million to study the long-term impacts of mild traumatic brain injuries...
A University of Utah Health study points to a previously unappreciated role for mitochondrial membrane lipids on energy production and muscular function.
On October 4, best-selling author Christie Aschwanden will give a talk on the strange science of sports recovery followed by a panel discussion with faculty from the College of Health...
The University of Utah Health-produced short documentary One in a Million has been an official selection at eight film festivals nationwide and has received 12 marketing awards.
Clement Chow, PhD, and his research team have developed a fly model of NGLY1 deficiency, to provide new insights into the biology underlying this devastating, autosomal recessive, genetic disorder.
A bill informally called “Marley and Tyler’s Bill”, after two patients seen by the Penelope Program, passed the Utah legislature to expand insurance coverage for testing needed to diagnose children...
Nanell Mann began getting urinary tract infections in 1971, when she got a hysterectomy following the birth of her sixth child. She would take antibiotics and get better. Get sick...
With trainees collectively earning $110 million in grant funding, the U’s Vice President’s Clinical and Translational Scholars Program is proving to be effective at building leaders in research.
Known as “the ambidextrous Irishman,” Edward Hashimoto, MD, was a popular professor of anatomy at University of Utah School of Medicine for more than 50 years. This new exhibit of...
The GSLC will work collaboratively with the All of Us Engagement Team to create educational materials on genetics and precision medicine for the public, patients and healthcare providers.