University of Utah Health and the University of Utah announce the establishment of the Center for Health Ethics, Arts, and Humanities (CHeEtAH). The new center marks an exciting expansion of...
University of Utah Health and the University of Utah announce the establishment of the Center for Health Ethics, Arts, and Humanities (CHeEtAH). The new center marks an exciting expansion of...
The purpose of the CTSI Partner Mentored Career Development Scholar Award is to support the career development of junior faculty members who have made a commitment to focus their research...
In response to a global threat, COVID-19, University of Utah mounted a research response that is making a lasting impact on the virus and its numerous effects.
The Clinical and Translational Science Institute in conjunction with the Health Information Technology Services has embarked into a major implementation of new technology across our campus that will support researchers...
The William T. Grant Foundation seeks studies that identify, build, and test strategies to enhance the use of research evidence in ways that benefit youth. We are particularly interested in...
Cures Within Reach has issued a Request for Proposals seeking clinical repurposing trials in any disease led by a racial/ethnic minority that is underrepresented in biomedical research (as defined by...
The Beckman Young Investigator (BYI) Program provides research support to the most promising young faculty members in the early stages of their academic careers in the chemical and life sciences...
The Vice President’s Clinical and Translational (VPCAT) Research Scholars Program is requesting applications from junior faculty committed to careers in clinical or translational research to apply for the 2022 Cohort...
University of Utah Health scientists and collaborators with the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Consortium have developed a rich resource for studying how the brain changes and matures during adolescence...
As we prepared to administer the COVID-19 vaccine to our patients and providers, we aimed to do it rapidly but also equitably throughout the community we serve. As an institution...
Wes Sundquist, PhD, was named as part of the first class of fellows with the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB). ASBMB wrote of the honor, "Selection as...
Health Mis- and Disinformation from a Research, Clinical, and Community Perspective: A Forum. With speakers: Laura Scherer, PhD, Alistair Thorpe, PhD, Skyler Johnson, MD, Paula Winkler, MEd, Erin Donovan, PhD...
The goal of this Program is to provide structured mentorship to UofU Health Sciences faculty with a current R01 or equivalent grant, in order to assist them in securing their...
With the understanding that diversity in the scientific workforce is an important element for the goal of advancing autism science, SFARI announces a new program that will provide supplements to...
The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI) seeks to support the work of up to 15 Imaging Scientists who will work at the interface of biology, microscopy hardware, and imaging software at...
The Investigators in the Pathogenesis of Infectious Disease (PATH) program provides opportunities for assistant professors to bring multidisciplinary approaches to the study of human infectious diseases. The goal of the...
The last year challenged us in ways we could never have imagined. We experienced a cascade of collective trauma, which impacted the ways we do our work and live our...
Eleven new fellows have been inducted into the Academy of Health Science Educators, a community committed to excellence and value in health sciences education. Academy fellows are recognized as outstanding...
Chairs of the 13 basic science departments at University of Utah Health have selected and summarized the top 52 discoveries from the past five years. Now available for view, the...
The Benning Society is pleased to announce a special virtual lecture featuring Associate Professor of Human Genetics and 2020 MacArthur Fellow Nels Elde, PhD, on Wednesday, April 28 at 4...