Our DNA is wrapped in a bubble, a double membrane called the nuclear envelope, which protects it and directs molecular traffic to and from the nucleus. Many natural processes, such...
Primary ovarian insufficiency is the one form of infertility that lacks any treatment options. Corrine Welt, MD, professor of internal medicine at University of Utah Health, believes an answer may...
Two years ago, Utah Genome Project launched Heritage 1K, an initiative to sequence 1,000 genomes to understand the genetic bases of approximately 25 inherited diseases. Heritage 1K investigators gathered on...
Patients undergoing chemotherapy often experience difficult but treatable symptoms – including fatigue, pain, and nausea - in between healthcare appointments. But because providers are often not aware of them, some...
Faster, cheaper DNA sequencing is sparking optimism that cures are just around the corner. But to turn genetic data into knowledge that’s meaningful for patients, we need experts with wildly...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce elit leo, vulputate id molestie in, imperdiet nec lacus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In egestas nibh et...
Our 2017 Sara and Max Cowan Memorial Lecturer in Humanistic Medicine is Jay Baruch, MD. He is Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at the Alpert Medical School at Brown University...
In the upcoming days the process of selecting a new Director General for the WHO will accelerate. This year’s election happens at a time in which WHO is reinforcing its...
For patients affected by atrial fibrillation, a form of irregular heartbeat, increased risk for blood clots and stroke is a serious concern. Medicines used to thin the blood offer a...
“Extreme Affordability” is a new design-requirement that upends the growing healthcare affordability problem by forcing close inspection of the value equation that controls for quality against cost. Costs can decrease...
Mary E. Fallat, MD is the 2017 David Green Memorial Lecturer. Dr. Fallat is the Hirikati S. Nagaraj Professor of Surgery at the University of Louisville, Division Director of Pediatric...
Brenna Blackburn, Daisuke Kawakita and Sean Soisson presented their results on the Utah Cancer Survivors Study. Their work was featured in press releases
A mother who died unexpectedly, a chance encounter with a snail biologist, a patient whose hands were so swollen that she could barely take care of her newborn. Inspiration often...
Precision medicine has a commitment problem. There’s no question that understanding the biology behind disease can lead to tailored treatments. Take the cancer drug crizotinib, for example. It can extend...
Whether you’re a family doctor weary of one-size-fits-all approaches to treating your patients, a science junkie, or the parent of a child with a mysterious, undiagnosed disease, it’s easy to...
Cancer is expensive. And precisely targeted cancer is even more costly. With specialized oncology drugs now the driving force behind spiking pharmaceutical prices across U.S. health care, cancer treatment highlights...
Most people are willing to be poked and prodded if it means determining which mixture of chemicals kills colon cancer cells more efficiently, or identifying a rare genetic mutation that...
According to the noble mission statements of academic medical centers, we are committed to “healing humankind,” “advancing human health,” “alleviating suffering,” and “improving the quality of life” of the community...
On a rainy Seattle afternoon, Louise Aronson, M.D., MFA, proposed unleashing a revolution. She spoke to a conference room filled with hundreds of doctors at the 2016 Association for American...