Hollywood has already imagined it: Gattaca, an apocalyptic world driven by genetic engineering, where only embryos with the best of their parents’ characteristics ("valids") become children.
The 2016 Cowan Memorial Lecturer is Wylie Burke, MD, PhD, Professor in the Department of Bioethics and Humanities at the University of Washington (UW). Dr. Burke is also Adjunct Professor...
Jeffrey P. Brosco, MD, PhD is the 2016 David Green Memorial Speaker. Dr. Brosco is the 2016 David Green Memorial Speaker. Dr. Brosco is Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, University of...
Jeffrey P. Brosco, MD, PhD is the 2016 David Green Memorial Speaker. Dr. Brosco is the 2016 David Green Memorial Speaker. Dr. Brosco is Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, University of...
Wylie Burke, MD, PhD is the 2016 Max and Sara Cowan Memorial Lecturer Dr. Burke is Professor in the Department of Bioethics and Humanities at the University of Washington (UW)...
Telemedicine can improve access to care and lower costs, but how do we make sure it’s safe and of value to the patient and not just health systems figuring out...
Empowering consumers to shop based on price and quality was supposed to force health organizations to compete on those terms—making health care better and more affordable. Yet, health spending continues...
It's a pervasive dilemma in health care. Though the industry is in flux, and we know "business-as-usual" can't last, there’s no real urgency to change because the old way of...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce elit leo, vulputate id molestie in, imperdiet nec lacus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In egestas nibh et...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce elit leo, vulputate id molestie in, imperdiet nec lacus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In egestas nibh et...
Otherwise healthy older people with low levels of bicarbonate, a major element in the body that helps maintain proper pH balance, were at a 24 percent higher risk of dying...
Rachel (not her real name) has been a patient of mine for more than three years. She has a borderline personality disorder that makes it extremely difficult for her to...
By implementing a program to prevent bloodstream infections associated with central-line catheters, the University of Utah Health Care Burn Trauma Intensive Care Unit eliminated those hazards entirely, a multidisciplinary committee...
Constrained funding, constantly being asked to do more with less, increased scrutiny and an unclear roadmap for the future—health care’s constant flux is making medicine harder than it should be...
Patients aren’t alone in their angst over soaring drug costs. Hospitals, too, are struggling to keep up with price hikes on older, off-patent drugs—and some are having to make tough...
Think academic medicine is stodgy, hidebound or slow to innovate? Think again. Faculty, scientists and administrators of the nation’s teaching hospitals are actually quite progressive and optimistic about the future...
Don't expect precision medicine to bring relief from soaring health care costs. Genetically targeting therapies to those patients most likely to benefit spares them the time and toxicity of trying...