This year the annual Bench to Bedside competition was conducted in an entirely online format, from kick-off to competition. More than 20 teams representing the University of Utah, Brigham Young...
The Vilcek Foundation will award three Creative Promise Prizes of $50,000 each to young, immigrant biomedical scientists who demonstrate outstanding early achievement.
Submitting a first successful R01 is a major challenge. The University's KL2 program, a part of the Center for Clinical and Translational Science, is again organizing R01 writing groups that...
We are pleased to announce the sixth annual Hatch Family Scholar Award Competition for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows at the University of Utah. The purpose of this award is...
The American Heart Association seeks to provide a mechanism to advance the science of prevention of hypertension, with a focus on health equity. The Health Equity Research Network on Prevention...
The Office of the Vice President for Research is seeking interdisciplinary and transformative project concepts for the W. M. Keck Foundation. Keck seeks to benefit humanity by supporting projects in...
A $10 million five-year grant from the National Library of Medicine (NLM) solidifies the Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library as a regional and national resource for training and accessing...
Gene editing is not a new concept. However, with a new technology called CRISPR, it is even easier to get the desired results from gene editing. In this article, Drs...
Gene editing is not a new concept. However, with a new technology called CRISPR, it is even easier to get the desired results from gene editing. In this article, Drs...
Promising trends in Utah continue as cases, hospitalizations, and deaths in the state appear to be stable—though the same cannot be said for the nation as a whole. Over the...
A new study led by researchers at University of Utah Health tracing the development of human sperm stem cells to mature sperm cells has yielded the most comprehensive view of...
A recently published study, led by Angie Fagerlin, PhD, and Amy Locke, MD, examines the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on career development, work culture, and dependent care needs. U...
Fiscal 2020 was a record-setting year for the Office of Advancement at University of Utah Health with more than $337 million raised. Chief Philanthropy Officer Marika V. Jones describes challenges...
Valerie Flattes, PhD, assistant professor of nursing, shares her takeaways from the sixth installment of Friday Forum on Racism in Higher Education. As we conclude another academic year, Flattes suggests...
The U.S. is starting to see an increase in the number of people with coronavirus, although low levels of virus transmission continue in Utah and on the U of U...
The pandemic has caused unparalleled disruptions to organizations all over the world. For some, it has been a destabilizing and crippling force; for others, it has ignited a vision and...
After years of using digital publications, books are returning to the Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library. Catherine Soehner, MLS, BSN, shares steps the library has taken to create a...
This is an important moment as different industries and entities consider how to begin to emerge from the pandemic. After several weeks of consistent declines, most measures in Utah are...
It has been exhausting and painful for the Asian American community, particularly for Asian American women. If you experience micro- or macroaggressions or feel the rage, anxiety, and fear that...
For seniors, Match Day may be the most eagerly anticipated event of four years at the School of Medicine. In 2021, because of pandemic safety measures, Match Day was scaled...
Shraddha Nayak, PhD and member of the Animation Lab in the University of Utah's Department of Biochemistry is to be featured in the National Institute of Health's Spring edition of...
The mission of Utah Genome Project is to investigate the genetic basis of human disease through sequencing (DNA, RNA, other) of Utah families to discover, understand, prevent and treat challenging...
The Simons Collaboration on the Global Brain (SCGB) aims to expand our understanding of the role of internal brain processes in the arc from sensation to action, thereby discovering the...