Groundbreaking Lymphatic Interventions and Drug Exploration (GLIDE)
The Groundbreaking Lymphatic Interventions and Drug Exploration program, or GLIDE, envisions a future where doctors have a wide variety of therapeutic tools targeting abnormal lymphatic structure and function. Such treatments could prevent and cure primary lymphatic disease and other chronic disorders associated with lymphatic dysfunction, like autoimmune disorders and cancers. GLIDE aims to advance lymphatic medicine, improve our understanding of the role of lymphatic dysfunction in disease, and build effective, affordable, and accessible treatment options.
GLIDE’s goals are spread across two technical areas for developing new physical and pharmacological therapies targeting abnormal lymphatic structure and function. Through advances in biomaterials, interventional radiology (IR) and minimally invasive surgical approaches, and imaging, GLIDE will accelerate therapeutic options in compression, IR, microsurgery, and other minimally invasive technologies. Additionally, GLIDE will support the development of targeted pharmacologic gene, and cell therapies that directly target mechanisms of lymphatic dysfunction to modulate tissue contractility and vessel growth.
Platform Optimizing SynBio for Early Intervention and Detection in Oncology (POSEIDON)
The Platform Optimizing SynBio for Early Intervention and Detection in ONcology, or POSEIDON, program aims to fundamentally change the field of cancer screening by developing first-in-class, over-the-counter, MCED tests that screen for 30+ cancers at Stage 1. POSEIDON intends to develop non-invasive synthetic sensors and reporters to reliably detect cancer from breath or urine samples at home. The self-administered kit, based on human-centered design, would allow any adult American to screen for cancers before symptoms arise. The kit would also integrate results securely with electronic health records and ensure individuals connect with a health care professional via a telemedicine call to review results.
POSEIDON is approaching MCED across two technical areas: (1) synthetic sensors and reporters that enable the detection of ≥30 different solid tumors from a single test; and (2) low-cost, simple-to-operate, at-home cancer screening kits with all hardware and software components. By putting affordable, accessible screening tools into the hands of more people across the country, POSEIDON seeks to increase survival rates and decrease cancer-related costs. ARPA-H is collaborating with the National Cancer Institute’s Cancer Screening Research Network to support the development and clinical testing of POSEIDON’s Test Kit.