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Academy of Health Science Educators Education Symposium

Education – it’s so much more than what happens in the presence of our learners.  Join us for the 12th Annual Education Symposium and learn skills for both teaching and creating healthy environments.  With workshop topics ranging from team-based learning, mentoring, group peer review, emotional intelligence, and much more! Invest in your teaching through networking and learning at the Symposium. 


The Academy of Health Science Educators invites presenters from across the health sciences to submit proposals for the 12th Annual Education Symposium. This year’s theme, Adapting and Thriving: Collaborative Approaches for Educators and Students in Evolving Health Science Education, will guide us in exploring strategies that foster adaptability, resilience, and collaboration in health sciences education.   

We welcome proposals on a broad range of topics relevant to an interprofessional audience, including but not limited to submissions that focus on:

  1. Interdisciplinary Collaboration --- Strategies for fostering teamwork across health professions and integrating interprofessional learning
  2. Critical Thinking in the Digital Age --- Approaches to developing digital literacy and supporting independent reasoning
  3. Faculty-Student Partnerships --- Promoting well-being, resilience, and collaboration in teaching and mentorship
  4. Experiential Learning --- Utilizing simulation, service learning, and real-world applications to enhance student learning
  5. Adaptive Teaching --- Implementing flexible strategies to improve learning in dynamic clinical and educational environments

Submission Formats:

Workshops (75-minute session): These task-oriented, interactive sessions allow attendees to practice the concepts and skills presented; audience participation is an integral component. At least 45 minutes of the workshop will be interactive. 

ePosters— Education Scholarly Project Presentations (5 minutes): Prepare an electronic poster on a scholarly project you have completed or are in progress. Present a brief 5-minute report.

Ted Talks: Prepare a dynamic, engaging presentation of less than 12 minutes describing your work in any of the broad range of topics in health sciences education listed above. If possible, discuss a new and exciting element of your work or present a compelling new strategy. Challenge the audience or make them think about things in new ways.

Deadline and Submission Process:

Deadline: All submissions must be received on or before Tuesday, May 13, 2025 at 5:00pm 

Proposal Submissions: To submit a proposal, complete the online form here. All submissions must adhere to the format for each session type. 

Notification: Notification of acceptance will occur toward the end of June 2025. 

Symposium Date: Tuesday, September 30, 2025 (In-Person)

Proposal Submission Resources

For questions or concerns, please contact Allie Groves

Contact Us

Allie Groves 
Program Manager

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