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Health Sciences LEAP Application Changes

To make the Health Sciences LEAP program more accessible to eligible students, we are excited to announce some changes.

Instead of applying as a high school senior, incoming first-year students will now take an introductory course over the Fall and Spring semesters. Competitive application and selection will take place during the spring semester. Successful applicants with begin Health Sciences LEAP in the Fall of their second year. Additional details are outlined below.

  • Incoming Freshman: Please register for Health Professions LEAP for Minorities, Underrepresented and First-Gen Students (LEAP 1100-008, #17083 or LEAP 1100-009, #17084). You are eligible to register as long as there are seats available.
    • The course focuses on how concepts of community have developed and been implemented in the American experience, on how community membership is determined, and on the possibility, necessity, or desirability of building bridges between different kinds of communities in America. A range of literary texts will be examined that offer racial, ethnic, class, and gender perspectives on this issue. The course also emphasizes writing, critical reading, and the acquisition of library research skills. This course will fulfill the Diversity & Humanities Exploration requirement and is a prerequisite for application to Health Sciences LEAP in the spring.
  • In spring semester 2021, please apply for the Health Sciences LEAP cohort that will begin the following fall semester (AY22).
  • Application information will be made available via the website and the Health Professions LEAP instructor, Dr. Nora Wood, by 2/15/21 with an application deadline of 3/30/21. Successful applicants will be notified by 4/15/21.

For any inquires, please contact Kathryn Hawes-Browning or visit our Health Sciences LEAP page for more information.