The Office of the Vice President for Research (VPR) and the Sorenson Impact Center (SIC) is proud to announce the launch of the Innovative Finance for Translational Research (IFTR) program. The IFTR is one of the first programs to utilize outcome-based financing models to support implementation of research interventions that will positively impact surrounding communities.
What is the purpose of IFTR?
The purpose of the IFTR and outcomes-based financing is to connect evidence-based, social and environmental interventions with public and private funding to implement and scale those interventions within the community. In addition, the program will amplify the impact of university-driven research to improve outcomes for a wide-range of communities and promote environmental sustainability.
When can I apply?
The IFTR will be accepting faculty applications on January 9th, 2023. Projects chosen will participate in a pre-feasibility scan and those projects that are promising for implementation will advance to a full feasibility assessment. Funding for implementation will only be available if a project is deemed feasible.
Funding availability for each project will depend on the cost of implementation, the size of the need and target population, and the preferences of funders interested in the intervention or project. While funding is not guaranteed, most outcomes-based financing projects receive between $5-$30 million in funding.
The VPR and SIC hope the IFTR will be an innovative process that will help the U elevate one of the components to our research funding process. You are invited to explore the possibility of applying to help bring your research more funding and one step closer to your goal.
For more information, please go to the program’s website or contact SIC associate Gabe Freeman.