Award Amount: The maximum budget amount that may be awarded to the network is $20 million, inclusive of funds to support coordinating center responsibilities and indirect costs of 10 percent maximum for all Projects and the Coordinating Center.
The American Heart Association seeks to provide a mechanism to advance the science of prevention of hypertension, with a focus on health equity. The Health Equity Research Network on Prevention of Hypertension is envisioned as a single network that encompasses multiple projects. An overall project plan will be developed by self-identified sites and submitted to the AHA as a coordinated submission. Proposed projects should have a common fundamental theme and should assess an intervention or approach to the prevention of hypertension in high-risk populations. Each project should be at a distinct institution and be led by a project principal investigator (PI). Each project also must have the needed research team, necessary infrastructure, and capacity to recruit and retain a diverse group of study participants. If you are interested in applying, please reach out to Gwen Allouch with the Office of Advancement.
AHA: Health Equity Research Network on Prevention of HypertensionRobert Wood Johnson Foundation: Interdisciplinary Research Leaders
At the agreement of the project PIs during development of the application, one project investigator will be designated the HERN Coordinating Center PI. All aspects of the application (each project and coordinating center) will be reviewed as a collective program, and each application should include a minimum of three and no more than five projects.
Link to complete RFP
Application Due Date: May 13, 2021
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