Award Amount: Up to $500,000 per year for up to three years Additional Information AFSP has set a goal to reduce our nation’s suicide rate 20% by 2025. We believe that by targeting areas known to contribute to suicide burden we can reach this goal. This Focus Grant RFA seeks applications that address potential biological, psychological, social and/or environmental pathways and interventions that can significantly reduce the national suicide rate if ultimately implemented on a large scale. Universal, selective or indicated interventions that target suicide prevention in healthcare systems, emergency departments, corrections settings, or among the gun owning community, that, if implemented on a large scale, would reduce the annual U.S. suicide rate. If you are interested in applying, please reach out to Lynn Wong or Gwen Allouch with the Office of Advancement.
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention: Focus Grants - Reaching 20% by 2025
Application Due Date: Letter of Intent due August 1, 2020
We encourage collaborative projects with investigators experienced in suicide research. Matching funds or partnering with a large healthcare system is encouraged.