Award Amount: $250,000 - $500,000 Health Effects Institute is accepting applications for research on novel and important aspects of the intersection of exposure to air pollution and COVID-19 health outcomes. Applicants will be asked to submit a detailed letter of intent, followed by an invited full application, using an expedited application review process. HEI is particularly interested in applications that address the following questions: If you are interested in applying, please reach out to Lynn Wong or Gwen Allouch with the Office of Advancement.
Health Effects Institute: Air pollution and COVID-19 Health Outcomes Research Grant
Application Due Date: Letter of Intent Due June 8, 2020
(1) Accountability research: What are the effects of the unprecedented interventions taken to control the COVID-19 pandemic on emissions, air pollution, and human health?
(2) Susceptibility factors: Are individuals/populations who have been chronically or acutely exposed to higher levels of air pollution at greater risk of mortality from COVID-19 compared to those exposed to lower levels of air pollution? Do the effects differ by race/ethnicity or by measures of socioeconomic status?
HEI requires applicants to send a two- or three-page Letters of Intent to provide information on the likely response to the RFA and to organize the application review process. It should include a synopsis of the project and study objectives, indicating the hypotheses to be addressed, qualifications of the team listing key members of the research team and their roles in the project, a list of all participating institutions, and access to relevant data (if applicable). An estimated total budget and study duration should be provided, choosing from the 2 options provided (i.e., a one-year or two-year study). A template is provided below.
In addition, brief biosketches (maximum 2 pages per person) of the principal investigator and key co-investigator(s) should be provided. Applicants can use HEI form F-8 or another format, as long as each biosketch is no longer than 2 pages. The letter and biosketches should be turned into a combined PDF before submitting. Confidential or proprietary information on methodologic details should not be included in the Letter of Intent.
Link to Complete RFP