2020 Call for Center on Aging Pilot Grants Award Amount: Up to $100,000 This “Innovations in Aging Research” Request for Proposals (RFP) differs from the "traditional" pilot grant program (described above) the CoA has sponsored since 2016. The CoA leadership recognizes that today there are unprecedented opportunities to advance aging research, and that these advances will most likely be driven by new, interprofessional collaborations in team-based approaches. Moreover, the target of this RFP is to reach beyond a single investigator-initiated award by supporting the development of larger, multi-investigator projects based on a thematic area. The goal of this program is to promote collaborations and provide funding support to enhance preliminary/project data that will allow competitive applications for multi-PI extramural funding by the NIH or other agencies and foundations, such as multi-PI R01s and P01s and center grants (P30, P60 and others). We invite applications from all areas of collaborative aging research that will lead to competitive extramural multi-PI grant applications. Any questions please contact either Dr. Mark Supiano (mark.supiano@utah.edu) or Heather Podolan (heather.Podolan@hsc.utah.edu).
Application Due Date: May 18, 2020 11:59pm (MST)