U of U Health leaders and collaborators sharing expert perspectives on the latest in clinical care, research, education, community engagement, and trending public health topics.
“There are numerous opportunities to have a lasting impact on a student. I’m forever grateful to the ordinary people who did extraordinary things for me and my education.”
There is a critical link between urban heat and public health. Atmospheric scientist Daniel Mendoza explores how cities can create environmental refuges to protect vulnerable populations from climate change impacts.
We want to make U of U Health the best workplace it can be. Better U survey feedback pinpoints what needs to change for our teams and system to thrive.
The Utah Program for Inherited Neuromuscular Disorders (UPIN) is bringing clinical trials to Utah, pioneering gene therapy for rare diseases, and delivering FDA-approved treatments to patients.
Utah has one of the fastest-growing life science and health care innovation industries in the nation. U researchers have a unique opportunity to impact society by commercializing their technologies.
"I’m proud of the way we have maneuvered obstacles and embraced innovation. After I leave, I look forward to seeing how we continue to change the mental health landscape."