When you see graduate student Adriadne Penalva on a poster with her hand out warning you to “Step Back”, she’s not being rude. In fact, she has your best interest at heart. She knows that staying six feet apart is one of the best ways to minimize your risk for exposure to the novel coronavirus.
Associate Vice President for Research Will Dere, MD, takes a more polite approach asking you to “Please Remember to Sanitize” as he gently pulls a Clorox wipe from the container. Cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces also helps prevent the spread of COVID-19. Dere doesn't want you to forget!
Despite wearing a mask, you can see that Mei Koh, PhD, assistant professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology, is smiling as the words behind implore us to “Spread the Word, Not the Virus.” What’s a good way to do that? Wear a face covering.
These three in addition to five more “poster scientists” have enthusiastically agreed to be the faces of University of Utah policies and practices that are maintaining a safe working and learning environment during the pandemic. You can find more information about the policies on the University of Utah return to campus page , the Office of the Vice President for Research website and the University of Utah Health coronavirus page.
Look forward to seeing the posters in your buildings soon. In the near future, these items and more will be available to order through University Print & Mail Services.