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Utah Cardiac Recovery Symposium: Jan 16-17, 2020

Utah Cardiac Recovery Symposium poster session

The 8th Annual Utah Cardiac Recovery Symposium (U-CARS) will be held on January 16-17, 2020, at the University of Utah Cleone Peterson Eccles Alumni House in Salt Lake City, Utah. See the symposium website for the full agenda and registration.

Registration is free of charge for employees and trainees at Univeristy of Utah, Intermountain Healthcare, Primary Children's and VA Salt Lake City Health Care System.

The 2020 symposium will host thought leaders and noted speakers in the field of cardiac recovery to discuss ground-breaking research in the clinical, translational and basic sciences.

Keynote speakers:

Douglas Mann, MD, Barnes Jewish Hospital - "Myocardial Remission: End of the Beginning or Beginning of the End?"

Elizabeth Hale Hammond, MD, Intermountain Health Care - "The Impact of Dogmas in Medicine: The Case of Antibody-Mediated Rejection"

JANUARY 16, 2020


  • Clinical innovation
  • Translational innovation
  • Innovation in myocardial recovery: Bench to bedside
  • Innovation in myocardial recovery: Mechanical circulatory support

“How To” practical discussions:

  • Treatment during LVAD support
  • Myocardial recovery: Ventricular Assist Device explantation versus decommissioning
  • Patient-centered decision making and PRO in patients with “Recovered-EF”: provider and patient perspectives

JANUARY 17, 2020


  • Featured oral presentations of best abstracts
  • Invited theme: Cardiorenal, end organs, systemic milieu and myocardial recovery
  • The myocardial recovery field in the fidst of a percutaneous revolution in valve therapy
  • Myocardial and patient recovery from cardiogenic shock: Unmet needs record-field

The 2019 symposium attracted over 600 attendees from across the country and even more are expected in 2020. Join us for this unparalleled opportunity to learn from leading experts and network with cardiac recovery practitioners including cardiologists, surgeons, radiologists, anesthesiologists, ER physicians, nurses, pharmacists and research scientists.