In a recent TIME article, Margaret Battin, professor of philosophy and adjunct professor of internal medicine at the University of Utah School of Medicine, proposes a new workable solution that...
Jim Ruble was interviewed on BYU Radio's “Top of Mind with Julie Rosen ” on June 28, 2017 discussing opioid-related lawsuits in “Taking the Opioid Crisis to Court."
Our 2017 Sara and Max Cowan Memorial Lecturer in Humanistic Medicine is Jay Baruch, MD. He is Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at the Alpert Medical School at Brown University...
Mary E. Fallat, MD is the 2017 David Green Memorial Lecturer. Dr. Fallat is the Hirikati S. Nagaraj Professor of Surgery at the University of Louisville, Division Director of Pediatric...
Sam Brown was interviewed on Utah Public Radio's Wednesday’s Access Utah about his new book, Through the Valley of Shadows: Living Wills, Intensive Care, and Making Medicine Human.
The 2016 Cowan Memorial Lecturer is Wylie Burke, MD, PhD, Professor in the Department of Bioethics and Humanities at the University of Washington (UW). Dr. Burke is also Adjunct Professor...
Jeffrey P. Brosco, MD, PhD is the 2016 David Green Memorial Speaker. Dr. Brosco is the 2016 David Green Memorial Speaker. Dr. Brosco is Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, University of...
Jeffrey P. Brosco, MD, PhD is the 2016 David Green Memorial Speaker. Dr. Brosco is the 2016 David Green Memorial Speaker. Dr. Brosco is Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, University of...
Wylie Burke, MD, PhD is the 2016 Max and Sara Cowan Memorial Lecturer Dr. Burke is Professor in the Department of Bioethics and Humanities at the University of Washington (UW)...