Helen Morant, clinical education specialist, BMJ North America, joins Dennis Jolley from University of Utah Health Sciences to discuss the new AAMC initiative "Maximizing Value." Health systems are looking at...
For decades we have been facing a health care crisis. Payment imbalances, lagging educational reform, physician shortages, you name it, the health care landscape has been ignoring the inevitable for...
What kind of change is coming to health care? Will AMC's close in the coming years? In the face of constrained payments, how will different models thrive? Mike Magill, MD...
Imagine what college tuition would look like if higher education charged on a fee-for-service model, suggested Harvard Business School luminary Clayton Christensen. Education would be broken down into specific services...
"You know the old adage, "Change is good. You go first," quipped AAMC President Darrell Kirch at the association's annual meeting in early November. While that may have described the...