SFESOM Faculty Eligible for Sponsorship to Attend AAMC Seminar
The School of Medicine Office of Health Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion will sponsor the registration of three (3) SFESOM faculty members to attend the faculty leadership development seminar offered to women faculty through the AAMC. Seminar information and application links can be found below.
Please note the target audience: women physicians and scientists with a minimum of two years of experience as an Assistant Professor.
Event details and buttons to the relevant applications are below. Faculty are asked to complete the OHEDI application first, then the OHEDI staff will assist with the AAMC application.
AAMC Early-Career Women Faculty Leadership Development Seminar, February 2024, San Diego, CA.
In sponsoring registration, we ask the department to support selected faculty in their travel related expenses and ensuring they have protected time to attend free of clinical duties and other responsibilities.
Please share this application with eligible faculty members who may be interested.