It's the $64 million question. Borrowing LEAN manufacturing principles from the auto industry, we've trained and empowered 2,536 of our front-line health workers–arguably the greatest do-gooders around–to do the good...
Academia is hierarchical, a space where faculty are judged by the size of their NIH grants and research portfolios. But entrepreneurs can have just as great an impact on patient...
Let patients grade us and post the scores online, the good, bad and ugly? Are you crazy? This wasn't the verbatim response of doctors to University of Utah Health Care's...
Transparency is a trending word in health care these days and one that is packed with possibility. Executive Editor of The New England Journal of Medicine Gregory Curfman, M.D., boiled...
Value. It's supposed to be the savior of U.S. health care, a fragmented and opaque delivery system where prices are completely divorced from costs, quality or customer satisfaction.