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Abbie Ireland Awarded 2018 Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher for the School of Medicine

Abbie Ireland, an undergraduate researcher in the Oliver lab, has been selected as the 2018 Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher for the School of Medicine. She is among 16 other awardees from across the University of Utah campus. 

Abbie has been working in Dr. Trudy Oliver's lab since 2015 as a Biosciences Undergraduate Research Program (BioURP) fundee. Since joining the lab, Abbie has contributed to multiple publications on Small Cell Lung Cancer, including publications in Cancer Cell and Oncotarget. Abbie is continuing her work in the Oliver lab by leading work for the lab focused on the Hippo/YAP signaling pathway. 

Her list of accomplishments and accolades is extensive and we will be sure to see more from her in the future.