Cancer in Utah
The Utah Cancer Registry prepares reports on cancer incidence, mortality, and trends in the state. Our most recent report is:
Cancer in Utah: Incidence and Mortality Statistics through 2019 - published January 2023
Past Reports include:
Numbers of New Cancers and Cancer Deaths for Common Sites, Utah 2019

Utah Department of Health Cancer Statistics
The Utah Department of Health provides Cancer Indicator Reports for selected cancer sites and for cancer screening and prevention topics. Reports include:
- Utah Cancer Control Program Small Area Report Mortality Update 2014
- Utah Health Status by Race and Ethnicity 2015
Cancer registry data can be queried through the state's IBIS Public Health Indicator Query System.
North American Association of Central Cancer Registries Statistics
The North American Association of Central Cancer Registries produces annual reports on cancer in North America.
Researchers can perform custom queries of cancer incidence, mortality, and trends in Utah as well as in other geographical areas using one of several national or international data sources.
Cancer Statistics From Other Organizations
- National Cancer Institute SEER Research Data
- State Cancer Profiles reported jointly by the National Cancer Institute and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- International Agency for Research on Cancer provides data visualizations from its Global Cancer Observatory.
- United States Cancer Statistics by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Cancer Institute
Need More Information?
If you are unable to find the information you need on one of these websites or if you are interested in tumor level data files, please see our research page.
Contact Us
Utah Cancer Registry
250 East 200 South, Suite 1375
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
Phone: 801-581-8407
Fax: 801-581-4560