SACNAS Achievements
Webmaster's note: SACNAS members have many achievements to be posted here soon for years past.
2024 Achievements
To be posted soon....
2023 Achievements
To be posted here soon...
2022 Achievements
To be added soon....
2021 Achievements
To be added soon....
2020 Achievements
Rebecca Mellema passed their prelim, titled "Characterizing the Role of Layilin in Platelet-Hyaluronan Interactions During IBD".
Congrats to Kasha Lim, our former Outreach Officer, who passed her Thesis Defense! She will be starting a post-doc at UNC Chapel Hill!
Diane Hernandez was recognized for a 2020 SACNAS Conference Grad Student Exemplary Poster Presentation in the Life Sciences, Cell/Molecular Biology!
Cindy Barba was an invited speaker at the Inaugural Diversity and Science Symposium at UCSD and wonderfully represented the U of U SACNAS community!
Evan Ritzen a first author publication in Development. The publication is titled: Fgf8 genetic labeling reveals the early specification of vestibular hair cell type in mouse utricle
Congrats to Shubham Kale, who successfully passed his preliminary exam to become a Ph.D candidate!
Krystle Osby was selected as Student Representative for HCI Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Commission!
Jordan Berg was awarded the prestigious National Cancer Institute Predoctoral to Postdoctoral Fellow Transition Award (F99/K00) for his proposal, "Contextualizing Chaotic Metabolic Networks and Their Regulation."
Jesse Velasco was awarded an NIH Diversity Supplement! Jesse's proposal was for his work investigating the role of glycine metabolism in cancer.
Jesse Velasco was awarded the Sherman R. and Deborah Ann Dickman Graduate Student Travel Fellowship!
Faith Bowman was awarded the prestigious NSF GRFP award!
Emily Innis wins a Poster Presentation Award at the Microbial Pathogenesis Annual Retreat!
Arevik Ghazaryan's contributions to the paper, T cell–mediated regulation of the microbiota protects against obesity, are published in Science!