SACNAS Past Events: 2019

Annual SACNAS Holiday Party
(Dec 14, 2019) - Thanks to all that made it to our annual SACNAS holiday party, and especially thank you to Jeanette and Paul for hosting us!

SACNAS Student Talk: Zachary Cruz
(Dec 3, 2019) - We had the pleasure of hearing our former SACNAS president, Zach Cruz, discuss his research and journey through science. Zach is a 5th year Ph.D candidate in the Kay lab and has been instrumental in helping the SACNAS community at the University of Utah grow. Zach uses peptide design and phage display techniques to develop novel therapeutics, and a paper he worked on was recently published. Zach also took some time to discuss his journey from baseball to science.

SACNAS Dia de los Muertos Ofrenda
(Oct 2019) - The University of Utah SACNAS built an ofrenda to honor those past on and celebrate life. Our ofrenda was on display in the University of Utah Health Science Library for the duration of the week. Thanks to all that helped make our ofrenda a success!

SACNAS Talk - Dr. Karen Kwan
(Oct 8, 2019) - Thank you to Dr. Karen Kwan for her valuable perspective into a non-academic career path.

SACNAS Path to Grad School Workshop
(Sep 27, 2019) - Students from the Main Campus came with their CVs and their Abstracts and interacted with the members of the Main Campus SACNAS Chapter in order to receive personalized inputs and ideas on how to build their profile while applying to grad school.