UPDB - Frequently Asked Questions
I have a project idea. How do I learn whether it is feasible using UPDB?
- Investigators may schedule an IDEA (Initiating Data Exploration and Analysis) meeting at no charge.
Discuss your research ideas with experts at UPDB and RGE. - Send an email to idea.updb@hci.utah.edu to submit your research ideas and UPDB will reach out and schedule a meeting.
Can I see if there are UPDB data available and the likely number of subjects for my study?
The Data Overview page contains basic information about the types of data sets and variables available for researchers. We also have an online query tool (UPDB Limited) that you can use to obtain preliminary information about your likely sample size.
How do I gain access to UPDB data?
You will need to prepare a proposal that summarizes the science and data requested. UPDB faculty and staff will help in this process. Your proposal will be reviewed by the Resource for Genetic and Epidemiologic Research (RGE) and the Institutional Review Board (IRB). Please see the Access to Data page for more information.
How long does it take from submitting the proposal to receiving approved UPDB data?
This will generally take 2-5 months, depending on the specific details of the project. Other regulatory bodies may be involved for some requested data, which may add time to the process.
Are there fees for obtaining UPDB data?
Yes, these fees are summarized on the Services and Fees page.
What do I need for the initial consultation?
Have a set of draft aims prepared for the first meeting. Any information, including preliminary data, to explain your project and the science that motivates it will be very helpful.
Contact Us
Utah Population Database Director
Nicola Camp, PhD
Utah Population Database Operations Manager
Dinah Busico, MPA
HCI Senior Director Oversight
Tracy Onega, PhD, MS
Faculty Advisory Committee Chair
Anne Kirchhoff PhD
Faculty Advisory Committee Members
Djin Tay, PhD
Britton Trabert, PhD
Joshua Schiffman, MD
Arabella Young, PhD
Srinivas Tantravahi, MBBS, MRCP
Amanda Bakian, PhD
David Curtis, PhD
Mick Jurynec, PhD
Joemy Ramsay, PhD
Lauren Theilen, MD
Marcus Pezzolesi, PhD