UPDB Publications: 2010 - 2011
Albright F, Light K, Light A, Bateman L, Cannon-Albright LA. "Evidence for a Heritable Predisposition to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome." BMC Nerol. 2011 May 27;11(1):62. [Abstract]
Allen-Brady K, Cai G, Cannon D, Robison R, McMahon WM, Coon H, Buxbaum JD. "No evidence for IL1RAPL1 involvement in selected high-risk autism pedigrees from the AGRE data set." Autism Res. 2011 Aug;4(4):293-6 [Abstract]
Allen-Brady K, Cannon-Albright L, Farnham JM, Teerlink C, Vierhout ME, van Kempen LC, Kluivers KB, Norton PA. "Identification of six Loci associated with pelvic organ prolapse using genome-wide association analysis." Obstet Gynecol. 2011 Dec;118(6):1345-53 [Abstract]
Anney RJ, Kenny EM, O'Dushlaine C, Yaspan BL, Parkhomenka E, Buxbaum JD, Sutcliffe J, Gill M, Gallagher L; Autism Genome Project, Buxbaum JD, Sutcliffe J, Gill M, Gallagher L. "Gene-ontology enrichment analysis in two independent family-based samples highlights biologically plausible processes for autism spectrum disorders." Eur J Hum Genet. 2011 Oct;19(10):1082-9. [Abstract]
Block HM. "Epidemiologic autism follow-up study using the Utah Population Database." Thesis 2011, 106 pages 1503019. [Abstract]
Buck Louis GM, Hediger ML, Peterson CM, Croughan M, Sundaram R, Stanford J, Chen Z, Fujimoto VY, Varner MW, Trumble A, Giudice LC, ENDO Study Working Group. "Incidence of endometriosis by study population and diagnostic method: the ENDO study." Fertil Steril. 2011 Aug;96(2):360-5. [Abstract]
Coffield JE, Metos JM, Utz RL, Waitzman NJ. "A multivariate analysis of federally mandated school wellness policies on adolescent obesity." J Adolesc Health. 2011 Oct;49(4):363-70. [Abstract]
Feldkamp ML, Carey JC, Pimentel R, Krikov S,Botto LD. "Is gastroschisis truly a sporadic defect? Familial cases of gastroschisis in Utah, 1997 to 2008.” Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol. 2011 Oct;91(10):873-8. [Abstract]
Grimmer JF, Williams MS, Pimentel R, Mineau G, Wood GM, Bayrak-Toydemir P, Stevenson DA. "Familial clustering of hemangiomas.” Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2011 Aug;137(8):757-60. [Abstract]
Grimmer JF, Williams MS, Pimentel R, Mineau G, Wood GM, Bayrak-Toydemir P, Stevenson DA. "Hemangioma Is Associated with Atopic Disease.” Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2011 Oct 26. [Epub ahead of print]
Guthery SL, Mineau G, Pimentel R, Williams MS, Kerber RA. "Inflammatory bowel disease aggregation in Utah kindreds.” Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2011 Mar;17(3):823-30. [Abstract]
Huff CD, Witherspoon DJ, Simonson TS, Xing J, Watkins WS, Zhang Y, Tuohy TM, Neklason DW, Burt RW, Guthery SL, Woodward SR, Jorde LB. "Maximum-likelihood estimation of recent shared ancestry (ERSA)." Genome Res. 2011 May;21(5):768-74. [Abstract]
Jones KB, Schiffman JD, Kohlmann W, Randall RL, Lessnick SL, Cannon-Albright LA. "Complex genotype sarcomas display familial inheritance independent of known cancer predisposition syndromes." Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2011 May;20(5):751-7. [Abstract]
Korinek K, Smith KR. "Prenatal care among immigrant and racial ethnic minority women in a new immigrant destination: exploring the impact of immigrant legal status." Soc Sci Med. 2011 May;72(10):1695-703. [Abstract]
Lin WY, Camp NJ, Cannon-Albright LA, Allen-Brady K, Balasubramanian S, Reed MW, Hopper JL, Apicella C, Giles GG, Southey MC, Milne RL, Arias-Perez JI, Menendez-Rodriguez P, Benitez J, Grundmann M, Dubrowinskaja N, Park-Simon TW, Dork T, Garcia Closas M, Figueroa J, Sherman M, Lissowska J, Easton DF, Dunning AM, Rajaraman P, Sigurdson AJ, Doody MM, Linet MS, Pharoah PD, Schmidt MK, Cox A. "A role for XRCC2 gene polymorphisms in breast cancer risk and survival." J Med Genet. 2011 Jul;48(7):477-84. [Abstract]
Moorad JA, Promislow D, Smith KR, Wade MJ. "Mating system change reduces the strength of sexual selection in an American frontier population of the 19th century." Evolution and Human Behavior. 2011 March;32(2):147-155. [Abstract]
Neklason DW, Done MW, Sargent NR, Schwartz AG, Anton-Culver H, Griffin CA, Ahnen DJ, Schildkraut JM, Tomlinson GE, Strong LC, Miller AR, Stopfer JE, Burt RW. "Activating mutation in MET oncogene in familial colorectal cancer." BMC Cancer. 2011 Oct 4;11:424. [Abstract]
Norton MC, Smith KR, Ostbye T, Tschanz JT, Schwartz S, Corcoran C, Breitner JC, Steffens DC, Skoog I, Rabins PV, Welsh-Bohmer KA, Cache County Investigators. "Early parental death and remarriage of widowed parents as risk factors for Alzheimer disease: the Cache County study." Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2011 Sep;19(9):814-24. [Abstract]
Patel AA, Spiker WR, Daubs M, Brodke D, Cannon-Albright LA. "Evidence for an inherited predisposition to lumbar disc disease." J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2011 Feb;93(3):225-9. [Abstract]
Robson SL, Smith KR. "Twinning in humans: maternal heterogeneity in reproduction and survival." Proc Biol Sci. 2011 Dec 22;278(1725):3755-61. [Abstract]
Seger HM, Soisson AP, Dodson MK, Rowe KG, Cannon-Albright LA. "Familial clustering of endometrial cancer in a well-defined population." Gynecol Oncol. 2011 Jul;122(2):75-8. [Abstract]
Slager SL, Rabe KG, Achenbach SJ, Vachon CM, Goldin LR, Strom SS, Lanasa MC, Spector LG, Rassenti LZ, Leis JF, Camp NJ, Glenn M, Kay NE, Cunningham JM, Hanson CA, Marti GE, Weinberg JB, Morrison VA, Link BK, Call TG, Caporaso NE, Cerhan JR. "Genome-wide association study identifies a novel susceptibility locus at 6p21.3 among familial CLL." Blood. 2011 Feb 10;117(6):1911-6. [Abstract]
Smith KR, Zick CD, Kowaleski-Jones L, Brown BB, Fan JX, Yamada I. "Effects of neighborhood walkability on healthy weight: assessing selection and causal influences." Soc Sci Res. 2011 Sep 1;40(5):1445-55. [Abstract]
Taylor DP, Cannon-Albright LA , Sweeney C, Williams MS, Haug PJ, Mitchell JA, Burt RW. "Comparison of compliance for colorectal cancer screening and surveillance by colonoscopy based on risk." Genet Med. 2011 Aug;13(8):737-743. [Abstract]
Taylor DP, Stoddard GJ, Burt RW, Williams MS, Mitchell JA, Haug PJ, Cannon-Albright LA. "How well does family history predict who will get colorectal cancer? Implications for cancer screening and counseling." Genet Med. 2011 May;13(5):385-91. [Abstract]
Wen M, Maloney TN. "Latino Residential Isolation and the Risk of Obesity in Utah: The Role of Neighborhood Socioeconomic, Built-Environmental, and Subcultural Context." J Immigr Minor Health. 2011 Jan 28. [Abstract]
Allen-Brady K, Robison R, Cannon D, Varvil T, Villalobos M, Pingree C, Leppert MF, Miller J, McMahon WM, Coon H. "Genome-wide linkage in Utah autism pedigrees." Mol Psychiatry. 2010 Oct;15(10):1006-15. [Abstract]
Cannon DS, Miller JS, Robison RJ, Villalobos ME, Wahmhoff NK, Allen-Brady K, McMahon WM, Coon H. "Genome-wide linkage analyses of two repetitive behavior phenotypes in Utah pedigrees with autism spectrum disorders.” Mol Autism. 2010 Feb 22;1(1):3. [Abstract]
Christensen GB, Baffoe-Bonnie AB, George A, Powell I, Bailey-Wilson JE, Carpten JD, Giles GG, Hopper JL, Severi G, English DR, Foulkes WD, Maehle L, Moller P, Eeles R, Easton D, Badzioch MD, Whittemore AS, Oakley-Girvan I, Hsieh CL, Dimitrov L, Xu J, Stanford JL, Johanneson B, Deutsch K, McIntosh L, Ostrander EA, Wiley KE, Isaacs SD, Walsh PC, Isaacs WB, Thibodeau SN, McDonnell SK, Hebbring S, Schaid DJ, Lange EM, Cooney KA, Tammela TL, Schleutker J, Paiss T, Maier C, Grönberg H, Wiklund F, Emanuelsson M, Farnham JM, Cannon-Albright LA, Camp NJ; International Consortium for Prostate Cancer Genetics. "Genome-wide linkage analysis of 1,233 prostate cancer pedigrees from the International Consortium for Prostate Cancer Genetics using novel sumLINK and sumLOD analyses." Prostate. 2010 May 15;70(7):735-44. [Abstract]
Coon H, Villalobos ME, Robison RJ, Camp NJ, Cannon DS, Allen-Brady K, Miller JS, McMahon WM. "Genome-wide linkage using the Social Responsiveness Scale in Utah autism pedigrees” Mol Autism. 2010 Apr 8;1(1):8. [Abstract]
Couldwell WT, Cannon-Albright LA. "A heritable predisposition to pituitary tumors” Pituitary. 2010 Jun;13(2):130-7. [Abstract]
DuVall SL, Kerber RA, Thomas A. "Extending the Fellegi-Sunter probabilistic record linkage method for approximate field comparators." J Biomedical Informatics. 2010 Feb;43(1):24-30. [Abstract]
Duvall SL, Fraser AM, Kerber RA, Mineau GP, Thomas A. "The Impact of a Growing Minority Population on Identification of Duplicate Records in an Enterprise Data Warehouse." Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 2010;160(Pt 2):1122-6. [Abstract]
Frech T, Khanna D, Markewitz B, Mineau G, Pimentel R, Sawitzke A. “Heritability of vasculopathy, autoimmune disease, and fibrosis in systemic sclerosis: a population-based study.” Arthritis Rheum. 2010 Jul;62(7):2109-16. [Abstract]
Goldin LR, Lanasa MC, Slager SL, Cerhan JR, Vachon CM, Strom SS, Camp NJ, Spector LG, Leis JF, Morrison VA, Glenn M, Rabe KG, Achenbach SJ, Algood SD, Abbasi F, Fontaine L, Yau M, Rassenti LZ, Kay NE, Call TG, Hanson CA, Weinberg JB, Marti GE, Caporaso NE. "Common occurrence of monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis among members of high-risk CLL families." Br J Haematol. 2010 Oct;151(2):152-8. [Abstract]
Hawkes K, Smith KR. "Do women stop early? Similarities in fertility decline in humans and chimpanzees” Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2010 Aug;1204:43-53. [Abstract]
Maloney T, Kontuly T. “Legal Status and Economic Mobility among Immigrants in the Early Twenty-First Century: Evidence from the ‘New Gateway’ of Utah.” Book Ch. In Migration in the 21st Century: Rights, Outcomes, and Policy. Eds. Maloney T, Korinek K. 2010 Aug 24 (304 pgs). [Abstract]
Manuck TA, Major HD, Varner MW, Chettier R, Nelson L, Esplin MS. "Progesterone receptor genotype, family history, and spontaneous preterm birth." Obstet Gynecol. 2010 Apr;115(4):765-70. [Abstract]
Neklason DW, Tuohy TM, Stevens J, Otterud B, Baird L, Kerber RA, Samowitz WS, Kuwada SK, Leppert MF, Burt RW. “Colorectal adenomas and cancer link to chromosome 13q22.1-13q31.3 in a large family with excess colorectal cancer.” J Med Genet. 2010 Oct;47(10):692-9. [Abstract]
Niazi TN, Cannon-Albright LA, Couldwell WT. "Utah Population Database: a tool to study the hereditary element of nonsyndromic neurosurgical diseases." Neurosurg Focus. 2010 Jan;28(1):E1. [Abstract]
Prahalad S, Zeft A, Pimentel R, Clifford B, McNally B, Mineau G, Jorde L, Bohnsack J. "Quantification of the familial contribution to juvenile idiopathic arthritis” Arthritis Rheum. 2010 Aug;62(8):2525-9. [Abstract]
Randall RL, Lessnick SL, Jones KB, Gouw LG, Cummings JE, Cannon-Albright L, Schiffman JD. "Is There a Predisposition Gene for Ewing’s Sarcoma?" J Oncol. 2010 Mar 15:397632 [Abstract]
Shirts BH, Burt RW, Mulvihill SJ, Cannon-Albright LA. "A Population-Based Description of Familial Clustering of Pancreatic Cancer." Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2010 Sep;8(9):812-6. [Abstract]
Slager SL, Goldin LR, Strom SS, Lanasa MC, Spector LG, Rassenti LZ, Leis JF, Camp NJ, Kay NE, Glenn M, Weinberg JB, Rage KG, Cunningham JM, Achenbach SJ, Hanson CA, Marti GE, Call TG, Caporaso NE, Cerhan JR. "Genetic susceptibility variants for chronic lymphocytic leukemia." Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2010 Apr;19(4):1098-102. [Abstract]
Taylor DP, Burt RW, Williams MS, Haug PJ, Cannon-Albright LA. "Population-Based Family History-Specific Risks for Colorectal Cancer: A Constellation Approach." Gastroenterology. 2010 Mar;138(3):877-885. [Abstract]
Wang X, Harmon J, Zabrieskie N, Chen Y, Grob S, Williams B, Lee C, Kasuga D, Shaw PX, Buehler J, Wang N, Zhang K. "Using the Utah Population Database to assess familial risk of primary open angle glaucoma." Vision Res. 2010 Nov 23;50(23):2391-5. [Abstract]
Xiaolei Wang, Jennifer Harmon, Norman Zabrieskie, Yuhong Chen, Seanna Grob, Brice Williams, Clara Lee, Daniel Kasuga, Peter X. Shaw, Jeanette Buehler, Ningli Wang, Kang Zhang. "Using the Utah Population Database to assess familial risk of primary open angle glaucoma." Vision Res. 2010 Nov;50(23):2391-5. [Abstract]