UPDB - Health Facilities and Claims Records
Utah Healthcare Facilities Data
Ambulatory Surgery Encounters
For all states, including Utah, the ambulatory surgery data system is a database containing surgery information occurring in hospital outpatient departments, hospital-affiliated ambulatory surgery centers, and freestanding ambulatory surgery centers.
- Data represents patient encounters.
- Data are available in UPDB beginning with 1996.
- The fields available for researchers are Standard Limited-Use Variables.
Inpatient Hospital Encounters
For all states, including Utah, the hospital discharge data system is a database containing statewide, population-based healthcare information associated with all hospitals in a state.
- Claims data represents inpatient encounters in the hospital.
- Data are available in UPDB beginning with 1996.
- The fields available for researchers are Standard Limited-Use Variables.
Emergency Department Encounters
All Utah licensed hospitals are required to report information on Emergency Department (ED) patient encounters. Hospitals supply these data to the Office of Health Care Statistics, on behalf of the Bureau of Emergency Medical Services, for the purpose of constructing a statewide Emergency Department Encounter Database. The database contains the consolidated information on medical codes, patient characteristics, services received, and charges billed for each ED encounter. The ED Public Data Set includes the combined data on all ED outpatient visits and ED inpatient admissions.
Utah All Payer Claims Database (APCD)
Utah’s APCD contains data from health insurance carriers, Medicaid*, and third party administrators in Utah. These data consist of medical, pharmacy, and dental claims as well as insurance enrollment and health care provider data. During processing these files are cleaned, standardized, and enhanced with analytics software that produces data on risk and burden of illness.
*Additional approval required for usage of Medicaid information
Contact Us
Utah Population Database Director
Nicola Camp, PhD
Utah Population Database Operations Manager
Dinah Busico, MPA
HCI Senior Director Oversight
Tracy Onega, PhD, MS
Faculty Advisory Committee Chair
Anne Kirchhoff PhD
Faculty Advisory Committee Members
Djin Tay, PhD
Britton Trabert, PhD
Joshua Schiffman, MD
Arabella Young, PhD
Srinivas Tantravahi, MBBS, MRCP
Amanda Bakian, PhD
David Curtis, PhD
Mick Jurynec, PhD
Joemy Ramsay, PhD
Lauren Theilen, MD
Marcus Pezzolesi, PhD