Acknowledging UPDB
Brief Description of UPDB Suitable for Inclusion in Manuscripts
This study utilizes data drawn from the Utah Population Database (UPDB). The UPDB is one of the world’s richest sources of linked population-based information for demographic, genetic, and epidemiological studies. UPDB has supported numerous biomedical investigations in large part because of its size, inclusion of multi-generational pedigrees, and linkages to numerous data sources. The UPDB now contains data on over 11 million individuals from the late 18th century to the present. UPDB data represent Utah’s population that appear in administrative records. The holdings of the data grow due to longstanding efforts to update records as they become available including statewide birth and death certificates, hospitalizations, ambulatory surgeries, and driver licenses. UPDB creates and maintain links between the database and the medical records held by the two largest healthcare providers in Utah as well as Medicare claims. The multigenerational pedigrees representing Utah’s founders and their descendants were constructed based on data provided by family history records. Pedigrees spanning the past century have been expanded extensively based on vital records and, together with the GSU data, form the basis of the deep genealogical structure of the UPDB. Studies using UPDB data have been approved by the University of Utah’s Resource for Genetic and Epidemiologic Research and its Institutional Review Board.
How to Describe UPDB in Manuscript Acknowledgements
We thank the UPDB staff of Huntsman Cancer Institute, University of Utah (funded in part by the Huntsman Cancer Foundation) for their role in the ongoing collection, maintenance and support of the Utah Population Database (UPDB). We also acknowledge partial support for the UPDB through grant P30 CA2014 from the National Cancer Institute, University of Utah and from the University of Utah’s program in Personalized Health and Utah Clinical and Translational Science Institute
If you have used the Master Subject Index to pull data from the University of Utah Health Sciences Center University Enterprise Data Warehouse or Intermountain Healthcare Enterprise Data Warehouse, please acknowledge as follows:
“We thank the University of Utah Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) (funded by NIH Clinical and Translational Science Awards), UPDB staff, University of Utah Information Technology Services and Biomedical Informatics Core for establishing the Master Subject Index between the Utah Population Database, the University of Utah Health Sciences Center, and Intermountain Healthcare.”
If you have used Ambulatory Surgery or Inpatient data please acknowledge as follows:
“Research was supported by the NCRR grant, “Sharing Statewide Health Data for Genetic Research” (R01 RR021746, G. Mineau, PI) with additional support from the Utah Department of Health and the University of Utah.”
If you have used Utah Cancer Registry data please acknowledge as follows:
If you have used Utah Cancer Registry data please acknowledge as described on the UCR site.
Any publication referring to the Utah Population Database must be reviewed and approved by the Utah Resource for Genetic and Epidemiologic Research (RGE) prior to publication. It should contain the following acknowledgment.
“Partial support for all datasets within the Utah Population Database was provided by the University of Utah Huntsman Cancer Institute and the Huntsman Cancer Institute Cancer Center Support grant, P30 CA2014 from the National Cancer Institute.”
Contact Us
Utah Population Database Director
Nicola Camp, PhD
Utah Population Database Operations Manager
Dinah Busico, MPA
HCI Senior Director Oversight
Tracy Onega, PhD, MS
Faculty Advisory Committee Chair
Anne Kirchhoff PhD
Faculty Advisory Committee Members
Djin Tay, PhD
Britton Trabert, PhD
Joshua Schiffman, MD
Arabella Young, PhD
Srinivas Tantravahi, MBBS, MRCP
Amanda Bakian, PhD
David Curtis, PhD
Mick Jurynec, PhD
Joemy Ramsay, PhD
Lauren Theilen, MD
Marcus Pezzolesi, PhD