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Workforce Excellence Resources Overview

Campus Resources

    Community Organizations

      The Black Physicians of Utah envision a Utah that equitably represents persons of African descent in medical professions and eliminates racialized health disparities in Utah state. As an organization, it strives to build a community of Black physicians, residents, interns, medical students, and aspiring physicians. By creating a social network we can connect personally and continue to learn together.

      The Black Physicians of Utah aims to work towards achieving health equity for Black and underserved Utahns. It hopes to provide a platform for Black physicians and physicians in training and our Black community to easily reach and connect with a physician they can trust to understand the day-to-day inequities they face while seeking medical care.

      Latino Behavioral Health Services (LBHS) believes the voices, participation, and leadership of and by Latinos in recovery are essential to reaching our goals. With this in mind, LBHS has established a peer-to-peer system of recovery for Latinos. This system includes outreach, mentoring, classes, and support groups. It is organized and executed by family members and consumers in recovery from serious mental illness, including substance use disorders.

      The Latino Physicians of Utah is a brand-new group. More details will be shared shortly.

      In the meantime, please contact Drs. Capella and Monroy for more information.

      The mission of the Rural Health Association of Utah is to provide a unified voice to promote and enhance the quality of rural health through leadership, advocacy, coalition building, education, and to affect policy and legislation.

      Take Care Utah (TCU) is a program of Utah Health Policy Project that helps Utahns access health insurance coverage and navigate the health care system. TCU houses more than 30 Health Access Assisters (HAA) and 2 Linkage Coordinators who can provide services throughout the state. If you need help enrolling in or understanding health insurance coverage or accessing health care, we can help. The team assists with: (1) providing application assistance in multiple languages for Medicaid, CHIP, or Marketplace; (2) conducting case management throughout the eligibility process; (3) guidance in selecting health plans; (4) providing insurance literacy education after enrollment to ensure benefits can be accessed, and; (5) providing ongoing assistance with renewals or reviews to maintain coverage.

      AHECs, or Area Health Education Centers, were established in 1972 by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) in response to the shortage of primary care physicians and inadequate distribution of health professionals in the country.

      The purpose of the AHEC program is to enhance access to quality health care, particularly primary and preventive care, by improving the supply and distribution of healthcare professionals via strategic partnerships with academic programs, communities, and professional organizations.

      Utah AHEC facilitates education for current and future health professionals to prepare them for practice in medically underserved rural and urban areas in a health system transformed to lower costs, enhance quality, improve satisfaction of healthcare professionals, and improve population health outcomes.

      The Utah Community Health Worker Association (UCHWA) is an organization that was developed to serve the needs & empower community health workers by supporting, organizing and promoting the workforce at a state-wide level. We focus on strengthening and unifying the voice of community health workers as a means of addressing the gap between health care systems and underserved communities.

      The Utah Pacific Islander Health Coalition was founded in 2011 by representatives of six founding organizations: National Tongan American Society, The Queen Center, Hui Hawai’i o Utah Hawaiian Civic Club, Utah Department of Health, Association for Utah Community Health, and Granite School District. The mission of the Utah Pacific Islander Health Coalition is to reduce health disparities and increase access to affordable and culturally responsive wellness services for Utah Pacific Islanders.

      Data Resources / Health Disparities Research & Tutorials

        Funding Resources, Grants, & Scholarships

          Pipeline & Pathways Programs

            Professional Development