In just 10 years, the University of Utah School of Dentistry has transformed oral health care for underserved people in Utah while working closely with the state legislature.
Beacon of Hope
Spinal Muscular Atrophy was devastating for infants and parents—until gene therapy developed at University of Utah Health and Intermountain Health changed everything.
A Look Back at 2023
Research at U of U Health made significant accomplishments over the past year, and as we head into 2024, our ingenuity continues to drive innovation that is building a healthier future.
Esta Es Mi Clínica
The greatest lesson that medical students learn while volunteering in a Midvale low-income clinic is compassion.
Esta Es Mi Clínica (Español)
La lección más importante, que aprenden los estudiantes de medicina como voluntarios en una clínica de bajos ingresos de Midvale, es la compasión.
Seeds of Change
Diabetes, food insecurity, and homelessness are inextricably linked. A small urban farm is transforming lives and finding solutions to these systemic problems.
For the Love of Mothers
Amid the pressures of parenthood, many Utah mothers struggle with postpartum mental health. In our family-friendly state, are we caring for the caregivers?
A Bridge to Recovery
Most patients addicted to opioids show up in the ER desperate for help. How do we coordinate care when a person needs it most?
Report to Our Community
As an academic medical center, one belief unites all 24,000 of us: We believe health can be better.
Community Co-Creation
Building a shared future in West Valley City by asking the question, "What does the community think?"
The Healer's Art
For advanced cancer surgeon Laura Lambert, hope is the best medicine
Trust as Currency
After a lifetime of struggles, Adolphus Nickleberry needed help. How the Intensive Outpatient Clinic builds relationships and changes lives.
A Change of Heart
Forty years after receiving the world’s first permanent artificial heart, Barney Clark's legacy continues to inspire cutting-edge cardiovascular research.
EDI Everywhere
More than 16 new leaders have joined University of Utah Health to champion equity work across the institution. These are a few of their stories.
Angels in the Sky
To tell the story of AirMed is to recognize past tragedies, today's safety culture, and the remarkable individuals who save lives with pride and humility.
The Dirt in Their Veins
For more than a decade, residents in remote southern Utah had no access to health care. Then, local leaders fought to open a clinic.
A Celebration of Life
Edward Bowersox Clark, MD, is remembered at the University of Utah by those who knew him as an inspiring leader, colleague, and friend.
Reaching New Frontiers
Scientific progress can be slow but steady, requiring patience, repetition, and long-term commitment. But sometimes an innovative new technique changes the way things are done.
Diabetes & Its Complications
Diabetes is on the rise around the world, putting hundreds of millions of people at elevated risk of serious problems like blindness, kidney failure, heart attack, and stroke.
Building the Body
Biologists who investigate how the intricate architecture of the human body takes shape are witness to extraordinary transformations.
Trailblazing Ideas
Researchers at U of U Health are always looking for a better way, creating new tools for the lab and new systems of clinical care while accelerating biomedical research.
COVID-19 Discoveries & Innovations
Scientists built on knowledge from prior studies of the immune system to figure out how the body responds to SARS-CoV2 infection.
Power of the Immune System
Our immune system is tasked with protecting us from a vast array of potential threats. Scientists are learning what it really takes to combat an ever-evolving set of pathogens.
Second Chances
When COVID-19 ravaged Manny Arocha, science and medicine fought alongside family and faith to save his life.
Developing Better Targeted Cancer Therapies
Pioneering the Future
Demystifying Viruses
Pioneering the Future
Pioneering the Future
Segunda Opportunidades
Cuando el COVID-19 hizo estragos en Manny Arocha, la ciencia y la medicina se unieron junto a la familia y la fe, para luchar por salvar su vida.
The End of Her Days
Cardiovascular Science
Pioneering the Future
Keep Breathing
COVID-19 Patients in the NICU
Reconsidering Clinical Care
Pioneering the Future
Women's Health: Toward More Equitable Care
Pioneering the Future
Finishing the Race
Two stroke survivors, two wheels, and a determination to reclaim life
Tuning Up the Cell's Engines
Pioneering the Future
The Hospital of Their Dreams
About the Craig H. Neilsen Rehabilitation Hospital
In-Depth Understanding of Disease
Pioneering the Future
New Ways of Thinking About Neurological Disorders
Pioneering the Future
COVID-19 One Year Later
Discovering DNA Secrets
Pioneering the Future
From the Amazon to Redwood Health Center
Understanding Cancer From Its Beginnings
Pioneering the Future
Changing the Course of the Pandemic
Inspired by Nature
Pioneering the Future
Unit on the Brink
An Uncertain Recovery
Clement Chow's Story
Better Health for Populations
Pioneering the Future
State of Suffering
Curbing the Rise of Utah Suicides
Fighting the Opioid Epidemic
A Plague on All Our Houses
Driving Out Diabetes
Fighting Diabetes by Casting a Wide Net
Expanding Rural Access
Bringing Access, Education & Jobs to All Corners of the State
From Basic Discovery to Bedside
They Emerge Transformed
Burn Survivors and Those Who Care for Them at The U of U Health Burn Center