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The work of the Cancer Control and Population Science (CCPS) Program integrates discipline-based population sciences research with patient-oriented studies to achieve clinical and population-level translation. 

This program integrates the broad range of research areas that define the cancer control and population sciences field as it applies to individuals and families.

The CCPS is centered around the following three specific aims:

  1. To translate cancer predisposition genetics and genomics to the clinic and the population
  2. To develop and implement interventions that prevent cancer or reduce cancer risk, address distance inequities in care and access
  3. To explore and improve outcomes related to cancer etiology, diagnosis, treatment, survivorship, and end of life, while simultaneously enhancing value in cancer care

CCPS Leadership

Jennifer Doherty, MS, PhD

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Kathleen Mooney, PhD

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Program Membership

HCI Cancer Center members enjoy a variety of benefits, including eligibility for leadership roles in the Center, institutional funding opportunities, and scientific/administrative support.