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Cancer Center members contribute to the mission of the Center via their participation in research, including laboratory, clinical, and population-based efforts.

These programs are organized as part of a federally funded grant (NIH/NCI P30CA042014) in alignment with the requirements of our National Cancer Institute Cancer Center Support Grant accreditation.

Nuclear Control of Cell Growth and Differentiation

Cell Response and Regulation

Experimental Therapeutics

Cancer Control and Population Sciences

The four programs drive progress at our National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center by:

  • Providing a forum to highlight important new developments and opportunities in cancer research
  • Supporting creative project development and new collaborative initiatives
  • Emphasizing the tremendous unmet medical needs in cancer
  • Stimulating our talented researchers to focus on these needs

Cancer Center Membership

HCI Cancer Center members enjoy a variety of benefits, including eligibility for leadership roles in the Center, institutional funding opportunities, and scientific/administrative support.

Comprehensive Cancer Center Director

Comprehensive Cancer Center Deputy Director

Senior Directors

Neeraj Agarwal, MD
Clinical Research
Donald Ayer, PhD
Co-Director, Cancer Research Training and Education Coordination
Rachel Ceballos, PhD
Community Outreach and Engagement
Max Loveless, MBA
Senior Administrative Director
Martin McMahon, PhD
Preclinical Translation
Tracy Onega, PhD, MS
Population Sciences
Gita Suneja, MD, MS
Programs to Enhance Diversity
Aik Choon Tan, PhD
Data Science
Katharine Ullman, PhD
Co-Director, Cancer Research Training and Education Coordination
Alana Welm, PhD
Basic Science
David Wetter, PhD, MS
Cancer Health Equity Science

Program Leadership

Nuclear Control of Cell Growth and Differentiation

Jay Gertz, PhD
Jared Rutter, PhD

Cell Response and Regulation

Shannon Buckley
Sheri Holmen, PhD

Experimental Therapeutics

Howard Colman, MD, PhD
Martin McMahon, PhD

Cancer Control and Population Sciences

Jennifer Doherty, MS, PhD
Kathleen Mooney, PhD