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Membership is open to individuals who hold U of U faculty appointments, and in some cases, cancer-focused faculty at other institutions. New Program Members and Associate Members are appointed based on 1) their potential to contribute to the scientific objectives of the Cancer Center and 2) research portfolios that are aligned with the goals of a Research Program. Continuing membership is granted based on actual contributions. Applications for membership are considered on a rolling basis.

Candidates submit a CV, biosketch, and application to the HCI Office of Research Administration. An HCI Program Leader presents the application to the members of the HCI Research Leadership Council, the candidate is discussed, and a vote is taken. A vote of the Research Leadership Council is advisory to the HCI Director, who has ultimate responsibility for appointment of Cancer Center members. Affiliate/Non-Program Aligned members are appointed by the HCI Director upon recommendation of a member of the Research Leadership Council. The Director’s approval is documented via the appointment letter sent to the new member.

Membership is reviewed annually, in conjunction with the CCSG progress report or competitive renewal. In addition, all Program Members and Associate Members who have space assigned by HCI undergo coordinated annual review by an HCI Senior Director and their department leadership; successful review is required to retain Cancer Center space and other resources. Assignment of HCI space is negotiated with department chairs and made under the authority of the HCI Director. Affiliate/Non-Program Aligned members are also reviewed annually; a change in appointment to Associate Member or Member requires review and recommendation for approval by the Research Leadership Council. Responsibility for final appointment decisions rests with the HCI Director.

Comprehensive Cancer Center Director

Comprehensive Cancer Center Deputy Director

Senior Directors

Neeraj Agarwal, MD
Clinical Research
Donald Ayer, PhD
Co-Director, Cancer Research Training and Education Coordination
Rachel Ceballos, PhD
Community Outreach and Engagement
Max Loveless, MBA
Senior Administrative Director
Martin McMahon, PhD
Preclinical Translation
Tracy Onega, PhD, MS
Population Sciences
Gita Suneja, MD, MS
Programs to Enhance Diversity
Aik Choon Tan, PhD
Data Science
Katharine Ullman, PhD
Co-Director, Cancer Research Training and Education Coordination
Alana Welm, PhD
Basic Science
David Wetter, PhD, MS
Cancer Health Equity Science

Program Leadership

Nuclear Control of Cell Growth and Differentiation

Jay Gertz, PhD
Jared Rutter, PhD

Cell Response and Regulation

Shannon Buckley
Sheri Holmen, PhD

Experimental Therapeutics

Howard Colman, MD, PhD
Martin McMahon, PhD

Cancer Control and Population Sciences

Jennifer Doherty, MS, PhD
Kathleen Mooney, PhD