Our Work
Global Health Programs
The following represent a small sample of the Global Health programs conducted by University of Utah Health Sciences faculty and staff in their quest to improve quality of life in communities all over the world.
Development of Surgical Skills in Mongolia
For over 20 years the University of Utah, with the support of private foundations and associations, has worked with likeminded counterparts in Mongolia to support a country effort to develop modern surgical skills and improve access to quality surgical services in that country.
Pakistan Partnership for Water Treatment
The University of Utah, in partnership with USAID and Mehran University of Engineering and Technology (MUET) in Pakistan, is working on a project to bring a Partner Center for Advanced Studies in Water [PCASW] to Pakistan, involving curriculum development focusing on simple, sustainable water treatment systems.
Training Programs in Ghana
GH has helped to develop local capacity in different programs from physician assistants to public health, pediatrics to surgical services in Ghana. For more than 14 years, it has fostered faculty exchanges and student education programs in this country.
Latin American Exchanges
The University of Utah has a number of interventions in Latin America, ranging from pediatric resident exchange and eye care in Guatemala to rural trauma care and dental restoration in Peru.
Vision Care for the Navajo Nation
The Utah strip of the Navajo Nation is one of the most underserved, isolated, and neglected areas in the continental US. Approximately 25 percent of the population lives without running water or electricity, and the remoteness of the land and uneven dirt roads make daily transportation a challenge. The Moran Eye Center at the University of Utah provides monthly vision screenings and glasses for children and adults, as well as surgery for patients identified during screenings. The area is also served regularly by pediatric residents and others doing cardio imaging.
Drug Discovery in Papua, New Guinea
For more than 15 years University of Utah faculty have worked in natural products drug discovery in Papua, New Guinea. More lately the university's work there focuses on linking scientific discovery with conservation and social progress, supporting the development of a research lab in the University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG) School of Medicine and Health Sciences.
Offices, Centers and Initiatives
The following are a list of Offices, Centers and Initiatives with University of Utah Health Sciences related to Global Health
Center for Global Surgery
The Center for Global Surgery brings together a network of providers and professionals at the University of Utah who envision a world where safe, effective, and affordable surgical care is accessible to everyone. A partnership between the Departments of Surgery and Obstetrics and Gynecology, the Center aims to support faculty and trainees across settings in addressing the most vexing problems in global health.
Global Health Education
The School of Medicine Global Health Education serves as a comprehensive resource to meet the global health education needs of medical students. Global Health Education offers services and education opportunities including, Graduate Certificate in Global Medicine, mentorship and career planning, elective courses and clinical clerkships, and international travel assistance.
Global Public Health
The Division of Public Health creates and extends sustainable programs into local communities in collaboration with partner universities, hospitals, local governments, and civic leaders. Global Public Health works across disciplines and with communities to systematically assess, prioritize, and tackle local needs. Global Public Health offers a Global Health Concentration (Master of Public Health) and a Graduate Certificate in Public Health. An education highlight includes International Field Studies in Ghana, Peru, and India, and Korea, which are also open to all UU students as well as life-long learners (non-matriculated).
Immunology, Inflammation and Infectious Diseases (3i) Initiative
The Immunology, Inflammation, and Infectious Disease (3i) Initiative’s Global Health Affinity Group is building a community of investigators and facilitating collaborative efforts to enhance and support external grant submissions. Participating investigators include faculty from pathology, pediatrics, internal medicine, human genetics, biochemistry, and population health sciences.
Moran Eye Center - Global Outreach
The Outreach Divisions mission is to create and maintain long-lasting eye care solutions that enable individuals and vulnerable communities worldwide. We have a proven track record, operated in more than 25 countries, imparting knowledge and expertise to surgeons through training and skills transfer. Thanks to our partnerships, what have contributed to the success of thousands of sight-saving cataract surgeries.
Office of Global Engagement
The Office for Global Engagement is the University of Utah’s administrative hub for cross-cultural education, mobility, outreach, and scholarship. We provide the leadership, infrastructure, and best practices in support of campus global initiatives.
For a full list of educational opportunities including degree and certificate programs, residency and fellowship programs, internship opportunities, and professional education please see Get Involved