Enhancement Programs
The Utah Diabetes and Metabolism Research Center sponsors several programs aimed at increasing the research competitiveness of UDMRC faculty investigators.
Pilot & Feasibility Grant Program
The UDMRC hosts a yearly seed grant program designed to foster collaboration and develop new hypotheses and preliminary data that will allow competitive applications for extramural funding.
Since 2017, seed grant funding was made possible through Driving Out Diabetes, a Larry H. Miller Family Wellness Initiative. To learn more about this initiative, please see the Driving Out Diabetes website.
- 2021 Seed Grant Awardees
- 2019 Seed Grant and Trainee Fellowship Awardees
- 2018 Seed Grant and Trainee Fellowship Awardees
- 2017 Seed Grant and Trainee Fellowship Awardees
Innovation Mini Grant Program
The goal of the UDMRC Innovation Mini Grant Program is to provide financial support for University of Utah faculty to develop new or more cost-effective methodologies in diabetes and/or metabolism research that will be utilized by the broader community. Examples could include developing new assays or new survey measures.
The UDMRC will preferentially consider supporting methodology development in partnership with the University of Utah Health Sciences Center (HSC) Cores, but will consider other proposals on a case-by-case basis. Learn more here.
Extramural Grant Review Program
The Utah Diabetes and Metabolism Research Center recognizes the value of NIH-style peer review feedback of grant applications before submission.
We are piloting a program for external peer review of grant applications extramural multi-year grants totaling >$500K that focus on diabetes, obesity, or metabolism.
Find information on how to apply.
Grant Submission Project Management
For UDMRC investigators considering a large multi-PI grant submission to a federal agency, staff of the SVPHS Research Unit can help facilitate grant submissions.
Services include:
- setting and sticking to timelines
- scheduling team meetings
- budget preparation
- writing administrative grant sections
- collecting and editing biosketches
- revising/editing/synergizing grant documents
- and other services as needed.
Scott Summers, PhD
Distinguished Professor and Chair
Department of Nutrition and Integrative Physiology
Email: scott.a.summers@health.utah.edu
Jared P. Rutter, PhD
HHMI Investigator
Distinguished Professor of Biochemistry
Email: rutter@biochem.utah.edu
Contact Us
Bridget Hughes, PhD
Director, Research Program Development
Senior Vice President of Health Sciences, Research Unit
Phone: 801-585-9304
Email: bridget.hughes@hsc.utah.edu
Emily Kay
Senior Manager, Diabetes Strategic Initiatives
Senior Vice President of Health Sciences, Research Unit
Phone: 801-448-6325
Email: emily.kay@hsc.utah.edu
Samantha Weeks, BS
Events & Communications Manager
Senior Vice President of Health Sciences, Research Unit
Phone: 443-417-3711
Email: samantha.weeks@hsc.utah.edu