Genetics & Medicine
Course Description
Genetics and Medicine: Ethical, Legal and Social Issues is designed to immerse students in the emerging ethical, legal, and social issues facing the use and practice of genetics in medicine. This is a semester-long course that meets weekly for two hours. The course offers a mix of didactic content, case studies, and class discussion. This course is intended for students with graduate standing. While it is targeted toward students who have some background in human genetics, prior knowledge in this area is not necessary. This course is mandatory for trainees in the Genomic Medicine T32 training program. Students in other graduate degree programs may participate if space permits.
Course Information
Course number: HGEN 6700* / LAW 7906 / MD ID 7251
*HGEN 6700 is cross-listed with MDCRC 6370, meaning that the one course can effectively substitute for the other as far as degree or program requirements. HGEN 6700 meets with LAW 7906 and MD ID 7251.
Semester: Check with course director
Day & Time: Check with course director
Room: Check with course director
Prerequisites: None
Instructor: Madison Kilbride, PhD
Contact Information: madison.kilbride@utah.edu
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