Over the past year, José E. Rodríguez, MD, FAAFP, associate vice president for Health Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion (UHEDI) has been busy getting critical health messages out to the public. Since last fall, he’s appeared more than a dozen times on the Spanish language station, Telemundo Utah, answering questions and providing useful information in Spanish on a variety of topics—from coronavirus to heat exhaustion, to salmonella and mosquitos, or even on the opioid epidemic. Rodriguez has assisted local news agencies in getting the word to our communities that UHEDI and University of Utah Hospitals and Clinics are here to help.
“I love to serve my Utah community, in whatever way I can,” Rodríguez says. But he also notes that trying to address serious health concerns through the media has its limits. For example, he says it’s much harder to deliver high-quality, individualized care over YouTube or even on the internet.
“We need more diverse representation in our clinics and hospitals to help—more physicians, physician assistants, and nurses who come from these communities and speak the language.” Rodríguez points to the growing body of research that shows greater representation in the health care setting leads to better health outcomes for racial minority groups. While the University of Utah Hospitals and Clinics and UHEDI lead the way in transformation across the state, the health care community needs to continue growing because Utah is continuing to grow.
Rodríguez says he feels fortunate to be a trusted member of the Latino community, and he will continue to answer the calls to speak with the community on medical topics. To find more information about José Rodríguez’s many appearances on Telemundo, readers can use the index and links below.
Video Link | English Title Translation | Date Aired |
Escuelas y universidades de utah toman nuevas medidas ante aumento de casos de covid-19 | Schools and universities in Utah take new measures as COVID-19 cases increase | January 11, 2022 |
Reporte: Utah es el cuarto estado con más casos de COVID-19 en el país por cada 100,000 habitantes | Report: Utah has the fourth highest number of COVID-19 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the country | January 17, 2022 |
Residentes de utah dispuestos a recibir la nueva vacuna de refuerzo contra ómicron | Utah residents are ready to receive the new booster vaccine for omicron | August 31, 2022 |
Circuncisiones forzosas en EEUU: ¿procedimiento estético o preventivo? | Forced circumcision in the United States: preventive or cosmetic procedure? | February 14, 2023 |
Expertos ofrecen consejos para prevenir la salmonella esta temporada | Experts offer advice on how to prevent salmonella this season | March 21, 2023 |
¿Qué es la naloxona y como se usa? | What is naloxone and how do you use it? | March 29, 2023 |
Se reporta brote de Norovirus en escuelas del condado Grand | Norovirus outbreak reported in Grand County schools | May 19, 2023 |
Autoridades alertan de enfermedades estomacales durante época de calor | Authorities warn about stomach illnesses during the hot season | May 26, 2023 |
Empieza la temporada de mosquitos en Utah | Mosquito season starts in Utah | May 30, 2023 |
Doctores de Utah alertan sobre baterías que pudiesen ser ingeridas por pequeños | Utah doctors warn about batteries that can be ingested by small children | June 12, 2023 |
¿Qué tan dañino para el cuerpo es el consumo de alcohol? | How damaging is alcohol consumption to the body? | June 30, 2023 |
Expertos alertan por exceso de calor en Utah | Experts warn of excessive heat in Utah | July 3, 2023 |
Y de la piscina, ¿nos podemos enfermar? | Can we get sick from the swimming pool? | July 10, 2023 |
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