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The Postdoc Showcase Series

The Postdoc Showcase is a quarterly research presentation series, designed to foster community and career development for Huntsman Cancer Institute postdoctoral trainees and medical fellows. It features three 15-minute talks from trainees across the cancer biology spectrum, including basic science, population science, and clinical research. Speakers receive feedback on their presentation and career advice from faculty members in a 1-on-1 setting. Audience members get the opportunity to learn about the amazing research powered by trainees.

Huntsman Alliance for Postdocs (HAP)

A peer group started by postdoctoral trainees at Huntsman Cancer Institute. It aims to enhance the postdoctoral experience through professional development. HAP serves as a hub for postdocs and connects them to the broader community at the University of Utah.

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Travel Funds

Cancer Research Training and Education Coordination Travel Awards

Our office provides travel fellowships for PhD and MD postdoctoral fellows to attend the annual meetings of the American Association of Cancer Research and American Society of Clinical Oncology. Our office funds several $1,000 travel awards to offset the cost of attendance. Awards are restricted to postdocs, residents, and fellows, with abstracts already accepted at one of the conferences listed below:

  • American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)
  • American Society of Oncology (ASCO)
  • American Society of Preventative Oncology (ASPO)

If you are interested in taking advantage of these funds contact us. Travel funds will be awarded on a rolling basis.

Postdoctoral Travel Assistance Awards

The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs can provide up to $500 and reimburse airfare, car mileage (in lieu of airfare), ground transportation fares such as shuttle or taxis, lodging, abstract fees, and conference registration fees.

Grant Writing & Professional Development

Trainee Grant Repository

A collection of funded K & F grant applications written by trainees. If you are a current trainee applying for a K or F award, and want to see writing samples from funded applications, you may request to view them by contacting us.

Individual Development Plan (IDP)

A tool to help trainees reach short and long-term career goals, as well as improve current job performance. An IDP is not a performance evaluation tool or a one-time activity. It should be seen as a partnership between the trainee and the mentor. It involves preparation and continuous feedback.

Fellowship & Awards

The Susan Cooper Jones Endowed Fellowship in Cancer Research

This fellowship recognizes a talented post-doctoral trainee or medical fellow who has performed exceptional cancer-focused research during their training. The strongest candidate must have produced a significant body of work during their training. However, an early-stage trainee with exceptional promise will also be considered. The award of $1,000, plus $1,500 to use toward research, is made possible by the generosity of the Susan Cooper Jones family, a young mother who lost her life to cancer.

Each year all faculty members are given the opportunity to nominate a CCSG member. Three post-doctoral fellows are selected in the areas of basic, clinical/translational, and population sciences research.

Training Grants

T32 GEMS Program

GEMS is a robust two-year predoctoral training program that leverages existing Huntsman Cancer Institute research and infrastructure strengths in cancer genetics and epigenetics, cancer modeling, and cancer cell signaling. The program integrates trainee interactions with cancer patients, cancer clinicians, and our Disease Centers to provide broad multidisciplinary training in cancer biology.

Principle Investigator:
Don Ayer, Sheri Holmen, Sean Tavtigian

Predoctoral Only

Applications Due:
July (annually)

Focus Areas:

  • Cancer genetics & epigenetics
  • Models to study cancer
  • Cell signaling

The program goal is to prepare young scientists who are broadly trained in cancer biology and well-versed in multidisciplinary research for exciting, impactful, and rewarding opportunities in cancer-focused post-doctoral fellowships or other cancer-related, research-intensive careers.

For more information, contact the principle investigators or the Biomedical Research Education Office (BREO).

Find additional University of Utah Health institutional training grants.