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Thank your for your interest in participating as a coach in the Utah Coaching and Advancement Nextwork (UCAN). Please complete this survey regarding your interest, skills, experience, and ideas related to building a coaching network.

The International Coaching Federation (ICF; defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.

A number of coaching focuses are recognized, including:
Professional Identity Development: focus is selfassessment, goal-setting, growth, and personal development generally.
Professional Skills: focus is helping the individual accurately reflect on their performance and needs for growth, and
gain insight into desired outcomes. Skills areas can span a broad range, including Education/Teaching, Clinical practice, Investigation, Dissemination, and Scholarship.
Career Advancement: focus is self assessment, goal setting, and skills acquisition aimed to prepare an
individual for promotion or leadership opportunities.
Team and Interpersonal: focus is on developing management skills, such as human resources, team dynamics, and communication.
Leadership Development: focus is on developing leadership skills in preparation for a leadership role.
Business & Executive Development: focus is on facilitating successful unit leadership for an individual with an
executive role and providing guidance for specific challenges in the role.
Wellness and Resilience: focus is fostering wellness behaviors, work-life integration, and development of resilience.
Team Effectiveness: focus is on coaching teams or groups with goal of increased effectiveness.

Coaching Experience (select all that apply):
Areas in which you are interested in coaching others (select all that apply):
Category of Individual you are interested in coaching (select all that apply):

Contact Us

Allie Groves 
Program Manager

Follow Us @UHealthEdu