Frequently Asked Questions & Resources
BREO has compiled a list of commonly asked questions and a variety of resources to help navigate training grant management. If you have questions or would like to see additional resources on our website, please let us know. We are always happy to hear from you.

Yes, if the trainee provides formal documentation from their degree-granting institution confirming completion of all degree requirements. The appointment date on the training grant must be on or after the date the trainee completed all doctoral requirements.
Trainees are required to devote full-time effort to the training program, meaning they cannot receive salary support or compensation from another research grant.
Trainees may be appointed any time during a budget period. The entire 12-month stipend and tuition may be paid by the budget year the trainee is appointed to. The amount not yet expended at the end of the budget period should be reported as an unliquidated obligation on the annual Federal Financial Report (FFR).
The stipend is determined by the NRSA rates in effect at the time of appointment and remains in effect until the trainee is reappointed. If trainees remain on the training grant for another year, they will receive the higher stipend rate and an increased stipend level when they are reappointed the following July.
Wait to hear from NIH. If the stipend increase was effective in the same fiscal year as the award, the grants management official will revise the Notice of Award (NOA) to incorporate the new stipend levels. Once you receive the revised NOA, you may amend xTrain appointments to reflect the new stipend levels and submit a new Scholarship/Fellowship/Traineeship form to reflect the additional stipend (i.e. the difference between the old stipend and the new).

No. Funds are awarded in a lump sum and grantees are free to expend these as best meets their actual needs. The formula is used for award calculation purposes only.
Typically, no. However, there are some situations where these costs would be allowable. These costs should be discussed with Grants and Contracts Accounting (GCA) to ensure that the purchase is consistent with University Policy.
In addition to considering whether the cost is allowable, consider the available training grant budget. Training Related Expense (TRE) funds are often limited, and it may be more appropriate or beneficial to use TRE funds towards trainee insurance or supplies.
Technically yes. However, staff salaries are uncommon for two reasons:
Staff effort can be a challenge to justify and allocate, since administrators typically oversee a large portfolio of grants.
Salaries take up a considerable amount of the budget, which reduces the funding directly available for trainees.
Charges for travel and supplies costs are not reported as unliquidated obligations on the Federal Financial Report (FFR).
Health insurance costs may be reported as unliquidated obligations on the FFR if the pending costs are documented. Work with Grants and Contracts Accounting to determine eligibility.
Trainee retirement benefits are not an allowable cost on training grants. If retirement benefits are provided to the trainee, they must be paid by the trainee’s mentor or home department, from a non-federal Chartfield.
The university does not provide 1099 forms for stipends paid. However, you may provide trainees with a voucher report outlining their stipends paid, and a copy of their Scholarship/Fellowship/Traineeship form and award letter.