Frequently Asked Questions About MBM
WHO can access the system and WHO should be accessing it?
The system is accessible by secure login only. Faculty can and should view their information; deans, chairs, chiefs, and administrators can access their particular areas. As appropriate, additional individuals can be granted access. Faculty may authorize individuals to help enter and verify information by submitting an online request form. Many staff have been trained on the system and have access to the faculty that they support. The new Gateway provides easy access to all MBM systems from a central point utilizing a single login.
WHAT is in the system and WHAT can it do for me?
The system contains detail about faculty members' professional activities and accomplishments. The activity information will be used by University of Utah Health, colleges, schools, departments, and divisions to better understand all of the efforts related to our clinical care, education, research, and service missions. We have also designed the system to be capable of generating an electronic CV in several different standard formats as a benefit for faculty. Please keep in mind that these web applications are not just a CV system; the design is to meet institutional needs as well.
MBM has additional applications that will utilize some of the information stored in the system. Find-A-Doctor, linked to from the University of Utah Health homepage, is used by referring physicians and patients. Find-A-Researcher, an internal application, is designed to help faculty find colleagues with specific expertise within the Health Sciences.
WHERE does the data come from?
MBM has linked to and pulled from existing data sources as often as possible so that faculty can just verify information. For example, we have data from the University's Office of Sponsored Projects, the Medical Staff Office, as well as course information from the main campus. The system also supports the option of on-demand downloads from PubMed. We ask faculty and departments to help enter data that is not available elsewhere.
Currently, MBM handles the initial CV entry for all full-time new hire faculty; we then transition the responsibility of keeping the information up-to-date to departments, faculty and their staff.
WHY do I need to do this?
The information will serve as a central resource for decision analysis and also as a repository to track professional activities. The institution can do a better job of strategic planning with reliable data. We need your help to have a complete picture of department and college activities; chairs and chiefs will utilize the individual information. For example, department chairs can run reports that show activity within a given time frame for faculty within their department.
WHEN do I need to do this?
This project is a very large-scale initiative, but with a concerted effort we can populate the system and keep it current going forward. MBM sends out quarterly reminders to faculty and staff to verify and update your CVs as well as inform you of system enhancements. The more up-to-date your information is in the system, the more accurate your activities will be for the department and institutional analysis, as well as correctly representing yourself in the sister systems, Find-A-Doctor and Find-A-Researcher.