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Mentorship has been identified as a key component in the development and retention of faculty in academics. However, a simple dyadic model is not a solution for all investigators, especially clinical and translational researchers. Our program has developed a Matrix Mentoring Model that includes five levels of mentorship, including a peer mentor. In order to improve the program and generate a stronger sense of community, the VPCAT Alumni Advisory Board (AAB) was established in 2019.

Honored AAB members are nominated by the standing board members based on their excellence in leadership, institutional knowledge, and expanded grantsmanship. 

VPCAT AAB members are:

  • Nominated due to their excellence in leadership, institutional knowledge, and expanded grantsmanship
  • Alumni VPCAT scholars
  • Funded, mid-career investigators experienced in grant submission and management
  • Familiar with institutional resources
  • Near peers who have firsthand knowledge of junior faculty experiences, demands, and responsibilities 

VPCAT AAB members:

  • Nominated to serve a 3-year term
  • Participate in quarterly meetings to provide critical guidance, feedback, and new ideas to enhance the impact and scope of the program
  • Serve as facilitators for VPCAT’s peer focused curriculum courses providing opportunities for current scholars to learn best practices and mentorship from their peers and colleagues
  • Contribute to the VPCAT program selection process serving as essential applicant reviewers

The benefits of being a VPCAT AAB member are:

  • Sense of giving back – “paying it forward”
  • Professional stimulation
  • Personal enrichment
  • Professional advancement

VPCAT Program Director