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COVID-19 Updates & Resources

For most up to date information and resources, visit our pulse page

Eccles Health Science Education Building Scheduling

Please see priority list for scheduling.

To submit a request, complete the request form and email to 

Health Sciences Education Town Halls 

Reviewing all we have accomplished over this past year and get a sneak peak of new & exciting educational Initiatives. 

Request a Mentor

As we navigate these uncharted waters, if you find you need some mentoring/coaching, the Utah Academy of Health Science Educators provides a mentoring service. Request a mentor.


Library Resources

The Eccles Health Sciences Library and Eccles Health Sciences Education Building continue to provide video/media services and computer lab access for faculty, staff, and students in EHSEB.
For videography services, please visit or email us at
The EHSEB computer lab and helpdesk are open!  Visit us in room 3100 for open lab use, 3D printing, and scheduled testing.

The Eccles Library ha​s thousands of books, journals, databases, multimedia, case studies, quizzes, and self-assessment tools that are appropriate for online teaching.  See a list of resources.  Contact the Library to get personalized recommendations of content that addresses your learning objectives.

FREE weekly cases, differential diagnoses, and premade Pubmed searches are available.

There are curriculum maps, including a curriculum map based on COMSEP.

Pediatric content for other specialties such as Family Medicine (they also have a curriculum map), Dermatology, Emergency Medicine and Orthopedics and Surgery can be found in the cases by specialty is a library of FREE weekly general pediatric cases designed for residents. Currently there are over 700 cases organized by specialty, symptom, disease and age. There is also a page of 180 pediatric differential diagnoses and there are curriculum maps for residents and for medical students.

Educational Uses page can give you some ideas of how you might use the cases in your setting. 

Each of the cases has a morning report type discussion and answers the question posed in the title. We also offer pre-made current searches in Pubmed and other authoritative resources as well as links to news articles, images and videos. The cases also pose questions for further discussion to continue to pique learner's interest. 

You can also follow on Facebook, Twitter and they also have a free monthly newsletter. It's free to use and they are always open to feedback to improve them. 

MedEdPORTAL: Journal of Teaching and Learning Resources

The current COVID-19 pandemic is affecting healthcare institutions in ways that may disrupt the training of future health care professionals. It is more important than ever to ensure that the community has access to high quality educational materials to ensure trainee preparedness for these clinical and global health challenges. 

This collection features peer-reviewed teaching resources that can be used for distance learning, including self-directed modules and learning activities that could be converted to virtual interactions. As always, the resources are free to download and free for adaptation to local settings. The collection will be reviewed and updated regularly.

PULSE page 

Find the most up to date information on the University COVID-19 PULSE page. 

AVPHS Education Unit Newsletter 

Check out the most recent office newsletter for resources and a note from our Associate Vice President, Wendy Hobsoon-Rohrer, MD, MSPH.


Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) Teaching Resources


 University of Utah Resources

University of Utah Remote Resources: includes information about using Canvas for distance learning.
University of Utah Teaching and Learning Technologies resources
University of Utah Class Through Canvas
Zoom through Canvas
Skype Meeting Guide



Dissemination of Peer-Reviewed Abstracts

If you have presentations/poster that have been accepted (peer-reviewed) but you are no longer able to disseminate them as intended due to conference cancellations related to COVID-19, you may choose to do the following:

1. Upload your peer-reviewed, accepted abstract and all related information to one of the following:

2. List the citation in your CV as you normally would and include the following content with the link to where it has been disseminated.

  • Due to COVID-19 related conference cancellation, this peer-reviewed abstract and/or presentation was disseminated on (date) to (site address disseminated to).

Please note, this exception will apply only to scholarship presentations of accepted peer-reviewed work impacted by COVID-19 cancellations.

Licensing and Testing Updates

School of Medicine - NBME updates on Subject and Step Exams:

Chronicle of Higher Education 

Going Online in a Hurry; What to Do and Where to Start
How to Make Your Online Pivot Less Brutal
4 Lessons from Moving Face-to-Face Course Online