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Our Center members have both received and given awards which benefit not only themselves and the recipients, but the Center and University's students, faculty, and staff, and communities near and far as well.


*make sure to check each tab for details


Submission deadline:  March 15


The Center for Health Ethics, Arts, and Humanities is pleased to sponsor the Award for Written Scholarship in Medical Ethics. The Award will be given annually to a student in the Spencer Fox Eccles School of Medicine at the University of Utah on the basis of a written manuscript addressing an ethical issue in medical care or medical research. The committee encourages students to submit original work written for the purposes of this award. Many scholarly approaches will be considered, including, but not limited to: original research, opinion pieces backed by evidence and solid argumentation, exploration of personal experiences, and critical analysis of literary and artistic works that illustrate an ethical issue. Submissions will be evaluated by a committee of faculty members affiliated with the Center for Health Ethics, Arts, and Humanities.

The aim of the award is to acknowledge students with clear potential to develop a scholarly career in medical ethics. The committee may choose not to make an award if no submissions are deemed truly excellent. The Award is supported by a generous donation to the Center from a faculty member. The Center will accept submissions from medical students at any point in their training.

Award Recipients Receive:

  • A monetary prize of $1500

  • Public announcement of the award

  • Inclusion in the award programs for the School of Medicine

  • Faculty mentorship to facilitate publication of the submitted manuscript if desired by the author


The Center encourages students to submit high-quality examples of scholarship in medical ethics, and it is likely that successful submissions will be the product of a significant investment of time and effort on the part of the writer. 

  • Submissions of any length will be considered, though the expectation would be a manuscript of 1500-5000 words

  • Submissions must not have been published previously

  • Submissions should be primarily the work of the student submitting and thus co-authored manuscripts are discouraged

*Have questions about whether a topic is appropriate and/or how to structure a manuscript?
Submit questions using the button below


Submission Deadline: March 15
Notification of Award: April 1


  • Submit as a Word (.docx) or Adobe (.pdf) document

  • Do not name document with any part of submitter's name (will be reviewed anonymously)

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