Interprofessional Education Program (IPE)
Welcome to the Interprofessional Education Program
Welcome to the University of Utah Health Interprofessional Education Program. We believe in intentional collaboration that leads our students and trainees to develop crucial interprofessional competencies. Our students and trainees will provide excellent population and community-oriented teamwork and communication to enhance patient and family care through interprofessional practice and education. We also seek to extend beyond our traditional settings as we reach to serve and collaborate across the University of Utah and in our Utah communities.
The mission of the Interprofessional Education Program
We aim to develop an Interprofessional Education (IPE) program that equips health professions trainees with essential interprofessional competencies to lead the transformation of US health care. According to the World Health Organization, interprofessional education is when “students from two or more professions learn about, from, and with each other to enable effective collaboration and improve health outcomes” (2010). We provide interprofessional practice and education training for students at the University of Utah Colleges and Schools of Dentistry, Health, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, and Social Work.