DELPHI Symposium
Annual Symposium
2024 Symposium
We want to thank you for attending the second annual DELPHI Data Science Symposium on Friday, November 1, from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM at the Cleone Peterson Eccles Alumni House. This year's symposium included 16 talks, 25 posters, and over 130 participants. We hope you enjoyed the presentations, met new colleagues, and had a chance to catch up with data science researchers across campus. We extend a special thank you to all our presenters and a big congratulations to our poster competition winners. Look for an announcement in early 2025 with a save the date for our next symposium!
2023 Symposium
We would like to thank all who attended and participated in the 1st annual DELPHI Symposium on Friday, October 20, 2023. We are pleased to share we had over 140 attendees, with a total of 16 speakers and 22 posters. Click here to view our 2023 program.