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Addressing Diabetes and Reducing Obesity

Diabetes is a chronic health condition that can have serious consequences. It is the seventh-leading cause of death in the United States and the leading cause of kidney failure, lower-limb amputations, and adult blindness.

This disease presents a large economic burden as well. Medical costs for people with diabetes are twice as high as for people who do not have diabetes. More than a third of American adults have prediabetes, a condition that increases the risk of developing diabetes. 

For many individuals, lifestyle changes and health care access can help delay or prevent developing diabetes. Without such interventions, approximately half of individuals diagnosed with prediabetes progress to diabetes within 10 years.

Institutional Initiatives

Over the past three years, we have expanded the geographic coverage of wellness programs meant to address social determinants of health and expand access to health care. 

  1. More than 200,000 patients have participated in Driving Out Diabetes activities, including Wellness Bus visits, prediabetes screenings, and health coaching
  2. School programs in Utah, Arizona, Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming reached nearly 125,000 students
  3. More than 20,000 people were screened for or educated about chronic diseases
  4. 50 community partners helped reduce weight, blood sugar, and blood pressure at 90 sites across the Mountain West
  5. Nearly 5,000 square feet of gardens were planted in Salt Lake City, providing more than 600 pounds of fresh produce to area shelters


Center for HOPE

The mission of Huntsman Cancer Institute's Center for Health Outcomes and Population Equity (HOPE) is to bring communities and researchers together to create long-term solutions that prevent cancer and improve health among historically marginalized people.

Explore the Center

Driving Out Diabetes

In partnership with the Larry H. & Gail Miller Family Foundation, U of U Health's Driving Out Diabetes initiative battles diabetes through community education and prevention outreach, innovations in clinical care, and cutting-edge research.

Learn About the Initiative

Diabetes Research

The Diabetes and Metabolism Research Center (DMRC) aims to bring together clinicians, researchers, and educators to broadly support multidisciplinary research relating to diabetes, metabolism, and overall metabolic health.

Explore the Research

News & Updates

Sweet Nothings: The Truth About Sugar and Diabetes

Past research indicates that sugar is a primary driver of type 2 diabetes. But in recent years, the data has become contested as studies investigating glucose or sucrose intake have shown no correlation. So where is the confusion coming from?

Read the Full Article

Journey to Health Brings Nutrition Education to All

What we eat has a profound impact on our health. Adding more fruits and vegetables to our diets is linked to lower risk of many chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease and diabetes. But that doesn’t mean eating healthy is always easy.

Learn More About Nutrition

Cancer Outcomes in the LGBTQ+ Community

LGBTQ+ individuals face health care disparities and may experience an unequal burden of cancer compared with other groups. Huntsman Cancer Institute at the University of Utah is committed to providing quality care to LGBTQ+ people.

Examine the Research

Strategies to Meet CHNA Requirements

Below are specific strategies and initiatives related to diabetes, obesity, and obesity-related chronic conditions that University of Utah Healths commits to as part of the Community Health Needs Assessment process and will work towards over the next three years:

Strengthen and support community-focused programs for addressing obesity & diabetes prevention

  • Increase the number of encounters between community members and The Wellness Bus by 5% each year for the next 3 years
  • Increase participation in both the Crush Diabetes and the Team Thrive childhood diabetes prevention programs by 5% each year for the next 3 years
  • Increase the reach of evidence-based programs for individuals with obesity in underserved populations
  • Create an obesity & diabetes prevention, education, and outreach taskforce to coordinate efforts that reach out to and learn from people of all backgrounds

Improve access to healthy food

  • Research and create a food pharmacy that could be piloted in a minimum of two U of U Health clinics
  • Increase participation in the Food Movement and You program by 5% each year for the next 3 years

Increase screenings, referrals, and treatment for obesity and diabetes programs

  • Increase the number of patients that can access care through Utah Diabetes and Endocrinology center
  • Increase the number of patients who participate in the Intensive Diabetes Education And Support (IDEAS) program
  • Increase the number of patients who participate in a Comprehensive Weight Management Program

Encourage our employees to participate in health and wellness programs

  • Implement a diabetes initiative to help our employees and their families prevent and manage diabetes
  • Encourage participation in programs available to employees